
Nature protection and biodiversity - Outlook 2020 (United Kingdom)

SOER 2010 Common environmental theme (Deprecated)
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SOER Common environmental theme from United Kingdom
Published: 26 Nov 2010 Modified: 11 May 2020

Implementation of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan has been greatly assisted by the partnership approach to delivery, involving Governments, NGOs, the research community and the private sector.  A targeted approach initially concentrating on carefully selected priorities has been successful in keeping delivery firmly focussed on positive outcomes for biodiversity.  The preparation of Local Action Plans has also been extremely useful in reaching out to and involving local communities in delivering country, UK and even global objectives. The UK will consider the outcome of current international discussions on a post-2010 target, expected to be completed at CBD COP10 in Japan, in the further development of national targets for 2020 and beyond.

Future priorities are to maintain the momentum already established and to take a more holistic ecosystem approach to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, led within the four devolved countries and administrations of the UK. This will involve increased efforts to work with other sectors, incorporate social and economic issues, take a broader landscape/wider countryside perspective and do more for the marine environment, including offshore waters (out to 200 nautical miles).  Existing priorities for the conservation and restoration of priority habitats and species, and improved management of protected areas will continue.

Probably the greatest capacity building need for the UK is to raise awareness of biodiversity in non-environment sectors and with the general public, and in particular to increase understanding of the impacts of development activities on biodiversity and the role biodiversity plays in provision of ecosystem services and maintaining the quality of life, such as helping to address climate change issues, flood mitigation, air quality improvements, natural resources such as fish, timber, thatch, etc. 


The country assessments are the sole responsibility of the EEA member and cooperating countries supported by the EEA through guidance, translation and editing.

Filed under: SOER2010, biodiversity
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