

EEA Glossary

ACI - Airports Council International
AEA - Association of European Airlines
AER - Assembly of European Regions
ASEF - Asia-Europe Foundation
ATLAS - European Association for Tourism and Leisure
BAP - Biodiversity Action Plan
BEUC - Bureau Europeen des Unions de Consommateurs
BITS - Bureau International du Tourisme Social
CABI - Leisure tourism
CAFE - Clean Air forEurope
CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity
CECTA - Central European Countries Travel Association
CEHAPE - Children's Environment and Health Action Plan forEurope
CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
CLRTAP - Convention on Long-rangeTransboundaryAir Pollution
COP - conference of the parties
CORINE - Coordination of Information on the Environment
DG - Directorate General
DG ENV - Directorate General for Environment of the European Commission
DG SANCO - Directorate General for Health and Consumer Protection of the European Commission
DIMESA - Directors' meeting for environmental statistics and accounts
E'H - Environment and health
E-PRTR - European Pollutants Release and Transfer Register
EAP - Environment Action Programme
EAPME - European Association of Craft SMEs.
EBD - environmental burden of disease
EBONE - European Biodiversity Observation Network
EC - European Commission
ECDC - European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
ECEAT - European Centre for Ecological and Agricultural Tourism
ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ECOTRANS - European Network for Sustainable Tourism Development
ECTAA - Travel Agents and Tour Operators in Europe
EDEN - European Destinations of Excellence
EEA - European Economic Association
EEAC - European Environment Advisory Committee
EEC - European Economic Community
EFFAT - European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions
EFTA - European Free Trade Association
EHIS - Environmental Health Information Services
EIONET - European environment information and observation network
EMAS - Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
EMEP - European Monitoring and EvaluationProgramme
EMODNET - European Marine Observation and Data Network
ENAT - European Network for Accessible tourism
ENCA Network - Network of Heads of European Nature Conservation Agencies
ENEA - European Network of Environmental Authorities
ENP - European Neighbourhood Policy
EPA Network - Network of the Heads of Environment Protection Agencies
EPER - European pollutant emission register
ERA - European Regions Airline Association
ESD - Education for sustainable development
ESPON2013 - European observation network for territorial development
ETAG - European Travel & Tourism Action Group
ETC/ACC - European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change
ETC/BD - European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity
ETC/RWM - European Topic Centre on Resource and Waste Management
ETC/WTR - European Topic Centre onWater
ETLC - European Trade Union Liaison Committee on Tourism
ETOA - European Tour Operators Association
ETR - environmental tax reform
ETS - Emissions Trading Scheme
EU - European Union
EUCC - European Union Coastal Conservation
EUFED - EU - EU Federation of Youth Hostel Association
EUNIS - European Nature Information System
EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies
EURECA - European Ecosystem Assessment
EUROART - European Federation of Artists' Colonies
EUROGITES - European Federation of Farm and Village Tourism
EUROPARC - Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe
EUTO -EU - European Union of Tourist Officers
EuroCommerce - The Retail, Wholesale and International Trade Representation to the EU
Eurochambres - The Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry
European Cities Tourism - -
Eurostat/ESTAT - Statistical Office of the European Communities
GDP - gross domestic product
GEO - Global Environment Outlook
GEOSS - Global Earth Observation System of Systems
GHG - greenhouse gas
GMES - Global Monitoring for the Environment and Security
GMO - Genetically modified organism
GSTC - Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria
HELCOM - Helsinki Commission - Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission
HOTREC - Hotels, Restaurants & Cafes in Europe
IAAPA - International Association Amusement Parks & Attractions
IACA - International Air Carrier Assocation
IATA - International Air Transport Association
IATAN - International Airlines Travel Agents Network
IATM - International Association of Tour Managers
ICC - International Chambers of Commerce
ICCL - International Council of Cruise Lines
ICOMOS - International Council of Monuments and Sites
IEA - International Energy Agency
IFITT - International Federation for IT and Travel & Tourism
IHPA - International HCH and Pesticides Association
IHRA - International Hotel & Restaurants Association
ILO - International Labour Organization - Hotels, Catering and Tourism Sector
IMS - Indicator Management Systems
INSPIRE - Infrastructure for Spatial Information inEurope
IOMC - Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPPC - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency
IRU - International Road Transport Union
ITF - International Transport Workers' Federation
ITTFA - International Tourism Trade Fairs Association
IUF - International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurants, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers
JRC - Joint Research Centre (European Commission)
LIFE - EU Financial Instrument for the Environment
LRTAP - Long-rangeTransboundaryAir Pollution
MA - Millennium ecosystem Assessment
MAP - Mediterranean Action Plan
MED POL - pollution monitoring and assessment programme - Mediterranean region
MFA1 - Material Flow Analysis
MFA2 - Material Flow Accounting
NAMEA - National Accounting Matrices including Environmental accounts
NEC - National Emission Ceilings
NESIS - Network to enhance a European Environment Shared and Interoperable Information System
NFI - Nature Friends International
NFP - National Focal Point
NGO - Non-governmental organization
OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OSCE - Organisation for Security and Co-operation inEurope
OSPAR - Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of theNorth-East Atlantic
PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association
PRELUDE - PRospectiveEnvironmental analysis of Land Use Development inEurope
REACH - Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals
RTD - Research and Technological Development
SAICM - Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management
SCOUT - Sustainable Consumption andOUTlookand scenarios forEurope
SCP - sustainable consumption and production
SD - sustainable development
SDS - safety data sheets
SEBI - Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators
SEEAW - System of Environmental-Economic Accounting for Water
SEIS - Shared Environmental Information System forEurope
SMES - Small and Medium Enterprises
SOER - The European Environment - State and outlook
Stern report - Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
TEEB - The Economics of Ecosystems ' Biodiversity
TERM - Transport and environment reporting mechanism
TOBIN - Tobin Tax
UN - United Nations
UNCSD - United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission forEurope
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme
UNEP DTIE - United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry and Economics
UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNI - Union Network International
USEPA - TheUSEnvironmental Protection Agency
WATA - World Association of Travel Agencies Association
WCMC - World Conservation Monitoring Centre
WFD - Water Framework Directive
WHA - World Heritage Alliance
WHO - World Health Organisation
WISE - Water Information System forEurope
WTO - World Trade Organisation
WTTC - World Travel & Tourism Council
WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature
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