
17th International River Symposium

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This page was archived on 16 Oct 2014 with reason: No more updates will be done
First held in 1998, the Brisbane based International Riversymposium provides a platform for river managers, policy developers, scientists, consultants, NGO’s and community organizations to share knowledge and innovative ideas on all aspects of river and water management. By facilitating partnerships between key stakeholders, the International Riversymposium celebrates the environmental, economic and social value of rivers across the globe. The symposium provides an international forum for examining best practice in river and watershed management. In 2014, the International Riversymposium is being managed by the International RiverFoundation, and will be held in Canberra from September 15-18. The theme for 2014 is ‘Large River Basins’, with the study tour incorporating sections of the nearby Murray Darling Basin. International Riversymposium 2014 promises to be a big one, we hope to see you there!
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When 15 Sep 2014 to
18 Sep 2014
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Contact Phone +61 7 3037 5372
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