
Work due 01 Jan 2099

Work Item
  Indicator codes: SEBI 022
This page was archived on 09 Feb 2021 with reason: Other (Discontinued indicator)
SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT Feed conversion rates, protein level in the feed, and Protein level in the fish should become available at least for the main species in aquaculture and key culture systems. Critical levels should be set where possible (but effects of nutrients are very site specific). In the future the indicators could encompass the rest of aquaculture related pressures into the environment such as escapes and increases in pathogen density, chemotherapeutants and antibiotics, increased demand for feed inputs, interactions with the seafloor (sediment quality and effect on benthos), non‑native species. Extension to other aquaculture other than finfish.


  • Feed conversion rates, protein level in the feed, and Protein level in the fish should become available at least for the main species in aquaculture and key culture systems.
  • Critical levels should be set where possible (but effects of nutrients are very site specific).
  • In the future the indicators could encompass the rest of aquaculture related pressures into the environment such as escapes and increases in pathogen density, chemotherapeutants and antibiotics, increased demand for feed inputs, interactions with the seafloor (sediment quality and effect on benthos), non‑native species.
  • Extension to other aquaculture other than finfish.

Not started

01 Jan 2099, 12:00 AM


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