
Work due 01 Dec 2005

Work Item
  Indicator codes: CSI 018 , WAT 001
Data on freshwater resources and uses will improve when countries provide update and complete time series via Eurostat Joint Questionnaire and use similar methodologies for data calculation and estimation. The use of Eurostat Manual recommending and providing methodologies for the calculation and estimation of freshwater resources and uses, hopefully will improve data comparability between countries. Also, when more countries provide information via EUROWATERNET Quantity, data on freshwater resources will be comparable, yearly updated and immediately available.

Data on freshwater resources and uses will improve when countries provide update and complete time series via Eurostat Joint Questionnaire and use similar methodologies for data calculation and estimation. The use of Eurostat Manual recommending and providing methodologies for the calculation and estimation of freshwater resources and uses, hopefully will improve data comparability between countries.

Also, when more countries provide information via EUROWATERNET Quantity, data on freshwater resources will be comparable, yearly updated and immediately available.

Not started

01 Dec 2005, 12:00 AM


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