
EEA/IAR/003/01 - Development of indicator fact sheets and writing of chapters for the Kiev report

Call For Tender Published 27 Jun 2001

Development of indicator fact sheets and writing of chapters for the Kiev report

OPEN procedure


1. Awarding authority: The European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen, Denmark, Tel: (++45) 33 36 71 00, Fax: (++45) 33 36 71 99

2. Award procedure: Open call for tender (ref.: EEA/IAR/003/001)

3. Description of project: The Agency is awarding a service contract for the following:
The European Environment Agency has been requested by the pan-European conference of Environment Ministers to prepare an indicator-based report on the progress in environmental management and the state of the environment in the whole of Europe. The working title of the report is Kiev report. It will cover the whole of UNECE Europe including the Russian Federation and the Central Asian states.
The call for tender is divided into 11 lots, 10 of which concern each one chapter of the Kiev report, the 11th is an overall task.
Lot nr 1: Energy chapter
Lot nr 1: Energy chapter
Lot nr 2: Industry chapter
Lot nr 3: Agriculture chapter
Lot nr 4: Forestry chapter
Lot nr 5: Fisheries and mariculture chapter
Lot nr 6: Transport chapter
Lot nr 7: Tourism chapter
Lot nr 8: Chapter on Production, use and dispersion of chemicals
Lot nr 9: Chapter on technological and natural hazards (excl. radio-activity)
Lot nr 10: Chapter on progress in managing the environment and sustainable development
Lot nr 11: Comparison of the Kiev report indicators with world figures
The aim of lot 1-10 is to provide a draft chapter for the Kiev report. Consequently the contractor is entitled with the following tasks:
  • analysis of factual information on all countries included in the Kiev report for which the basic data will be provided by the EEA
  • contribute to the data collection with examples and case studies
  • assessing the main developments
  • documenting the indicators, the analysis, the assessment, sources and gaps in data and knowledge in indicator fact sheets
  • writing a draft chapter, according to specifications for length and set-up provided by the EEA
  • processing of comments on indicator fact sheets and the chapter
For Lot 1 to 10 proposals are requested from experts in the field of analysis and integration of environmental information with specific knowledge of the situation in Central and Eastern Europe. Proposals should sketch the approach to the task.
Lot 11 is different, it includes the following tasks only which serve to support the information for the RIO+10 conference:
  • to search international databases for statistics on the global level for the relevant indicators included in the Kiev report.
  • to search international databases for statistics on the global level for the relevant indicators included in the Kiev report.
  • to provide a summary comparison of the EU and European data in a world context, showing some main features, such as EU/European contribution to world totals, per capita comparisons, etc. and a short assessment text per indicator where the comparison is feasible and useful.

4. Contract duration: The service must be completed within 12 months from the date of signature of the contract.

5. Request for specifications:
a) The detailed specifications can also be downloaded from
Login: kiev ; Password: aarhus (case sensitive)
The specifications can also be obtained from the European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen, for the attention of Mr Peter Bosch, by letter or facsimile (++45) 33 36 71 28.
b) Deadline for request of specifications: 37 calendar days from the date of publication of the call for tender in the Official Journal of the European Communities.
c) The document will be dispatched free of charge.
6. Submission of tenders:
a) Postal address: The European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark, for the attention of Mr. Peter Bosch and marked “REPLY TO CALL FOR TENDER EEA/IAR/003/01”. See the detailed instructions in the specifications.
b) Languages in which they must be drawn up: 1 of 13 official languages of the European Environment Agency (the 11 official European Community languages plus Norwegian or Icelandic).
c) Deadline for submission: 52 calendar days following the publication of this invitation to tender in the Official Journal.

7. Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders: Officials from the agency and financial controller.

8. Prices and payment terms:
a) Prices must be quoted in euro and be fixed amounts; estimated travel and subsistence expenses must be indicated separately.
b) Terms of payment figure in the tender specifications and are those which are in force at the European Environment Agency for service contracts.
9. Selection criteria: Tenderers must provide evidence of their identity, financial and economic standing and professional and technical qualifications by means of the following documentation:
— an identification sheet (name or business name, legal status, contact person, etc.);
— where applicable, references of the inscription on the VAT-register;
— where applicable, references of the inscription on the trade register;
— evidence of tenderer’s financial standing shall be furnished by extracts from financial statements for the past 3 years;
— detailed curriculum vitae of the candidate(s), including information of the candidate’s working languages
— a workplan showing a time schedule and expected number of days of effort per activity
— breakdown of expected costs
Tenders will lapse: 6 months after the final date for receipt of tenders.
10. Award criteria: The contract will be awarded to the tenderer whose offer is the most advantageous taking into account of
  • the consultants’ experience in integrated environmental analysis, environmental indicators, state of the environment reporting
  • the consultants knowledge and experience in the topic of the chapter
  • the consultants’ experience in Central and Eastern Europe
  • the consultants’ writing capabilities
  • the approach suggested in the proposal
  • the record of the consultant in timely delivery of high-quality work in similar areas
  • price - price will be considered in the award decision to determine the best value for money when selecting between technically comparable bids.

11. The contract is covered by the GATT Agreement.

12. Date of dispatch of the notice:

13. Date of receipt by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities:

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