
Data table via SPARQL

Percentual change in the number of holdings and utilised agricultural area (UAA) by size class

Data table via SPARQL Published 09 Nov 2017 Last modified 09 Nov 2017
30 min read

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category order agrareaLabel obsValue
"Number of holdings" "4"^^<> "From 5 to 9.9 ha" "-17.5"^^<>
"Utilised agricultural area" "8"^^<> "From 50 to 99.9 ha" "-1.53"^^<>
"Utilised agricultural area" "3"^^<> "From 2 to 4.9 ha" "-21.41"^^<>
"Number of holdings" "2"^^<> "Less than 2 ha" "-19.37"^^<>
"Utilised agricultural area" "6"^^<> "From 20 to 29.9 ha" "-7.64"^^<>
"Number of holdings" "9"^^<> "100 ha or over" "10.94"^^<>
"Number of holdings" "8"^^<> "From 50 to 99.9 ha" "-1.82"^^<>
"Utilised agricultural area" "5"^^<> "From 10 to 19.9 ha" "-12.07"^^<>
"Number of holdings" "5"^^<> "From 10 to 19.9 ha" "-12.4"^^<>
"Number of holdings" "10"^^<> "Total" "-17.05"^^<>

Received 19 rows in 0.001 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <>
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <>
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX property: <>
PREFIX geo: <> 
PREFIX indic_ef: <>
PREFIX ontology: <>
PREFIX countries: <>
PREFIX legtype: <>
PREFIX agrarea: <>

bif:either(?indic_ef = indic_ef:HOLD_HOLD, 'Number of holdings', 'Utilised agricultural area') as ?category
bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA0, 1,
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA_LT2, 2,
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA2-4, 3,
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA5-9, 4,
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA10-19, 5,
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA20-29, 6,
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA30-49, 7,
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA50-99, 8, 
(bif:either(?agrarea = agrarea:HA_GE100, 9, 10))))))))))))))))) as ?order

round(((?obsValue_last-?obsValue_first)/sum(?obsValue_first))*10000.0)/100.0 as ?obsValue
    sum(?obsValue_first) as ?obsValue_first
    sum(?obsValue_last) as ?obsValue_last

  WHERE {{ 
    GRAPH <>  {{
      _:ef_kvaareg_first sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date_first .
      FILTER (year(?date_first)= 2005)
      _:ef_kvaareg_first property:legtype legtype:TOTAL .
      _:ef_kvaareg_first property:indic_ef ?indic_ef .
      _:ef_kvaareg_first sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
      _:ef_kvaareg_first property:agrarea ?agrarea .
      _:ef_kvaareg_first sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue_first .

      _:ef_kvaareg_last sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date_last .
      FILTER (year(?date_last)= 2010)
      _:ef_kvaareg_last property:legtype legtype:TOTAL .
      _:ef_kvaareg_last property:indic_ef ?indic_ef .
      _:ef_kvaareg_last sdmx-dimension:refArea ?geo .
      _:ef_kvaareg_last property:agrarea ?agrarea .
      _:ef_kvaareg_last sdmx-measure:obsValue ?obsValue_last .
      FILTER (?indic_ef in (indic_ef:HOLD_HOLD, indic_ef:AGRAREA_HA))
  ?eeageo owl:sameAs ?geo .
  ?eeageo ontology:memberOf countries:EU28 .
  ?agrarea rdfs:label ?agrareaLabel .
GROUP BY ?indic_ef ?agrareaLabel ?agrarea
HAVING (sum(?obsValue_last)-sum(?obsValue_first)) != 0


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