
List of designations by country

Data Table
This page was archived on 31 Oct 2014 with reason: Other (New version data-and-maps/data/nationally-designated-areas-national-cdda-9 was published)
Table contains list of designations, references to laws as well as number and total area of sites per designation. 689 records are for EEA member countries.
European data
Table definition
Number Number of sites with that designation from table Sites within CDDA-National int(4) 0
Law Title and article of the law designation ntext(16) 0
Lawreference Title and article of the law designation comes from ntext(16) 0
Agency Name and address of the highest administrative authority responsible for this designation ntext(16) 0
Total_area Total area of sites with that designation from table Sites within CDDA-National numeric(13,5) 0
Odesignate Title in original language nvarchar(100) 0
Designate Title in English nvarchar(100) 0
Title_french Title in French nvarchar(255) 0
Iso3 ISO 3 character country code nvarchar(3) 0
Desig_abbr National designation type code nvarchar(5) -1
Category National designation type category the designation type category according to the codes (A, B or C) appendix D of the Natura 2000 and Emerald Standard Data Form (see look-up table National designation type categories). nvarchar(1) 0


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