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Indicator Assessment
The generation of packaging waste per capita in the EU has followed a growing trend until 2006. Between 2006 and 2009, a stabilisation was observed, while in 2009 effects of the economic downturn were reflected by a decreased level of packaging waste. In 2010, amount of packaging waste generated became 157 kg/capita following a slight increase in the trend after the economic downturn. This is a clear indication that, neither decoupling waste generation from economic growth nor the EU policy objective of waste prevention has as yet been accomplished for this waste stream.
However, the recycling schemes appear to be quite effective for packaging waste. After 2000, recycling covered more than 50% of the generated packaging waste, a lot higher than the 25% target of the Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste for the year 2001. In 2008, recycling covered 61% of the generated waste, already exceeding the 2008 target of the Directive, which is 55%. The situation improved slightly in 2010 as the recycling rate of 63,2% was achieved at the EU-27 level.
There are large variations between Member States in the generation of packaging waste per capita, ranging from 195,6 kg/capita in Germany and 202,1 kg/capita in Luxembourg to 42,5 kg/capita in Bulgaria (2010) (fig 1. and fig 2.).The average packaging waste generation amount for the EU-27 was 153,1 kg/capita in 2009 and 157 kg/capita in 2010, after the period of 2005-2008 when it has remained fairly stable at a constant level of 160-164 kg/capita (fig. 2).
However, there are clear differences between the EU-15 and newer Member States (EU-12) reflecting different levels of consumption of packaging. No EU-12 country has generation per capita rate exceeding that of a EU-15 country, except for Greece. The variations within EU-15 countries are hard to explain. One explanation could be different market shares of reusable packaging. It is also possible that some Member States may have uneven coverage of data collection or slightly differing definitions of packaging and understanding of which types of packaging waste is to be reported to the EU Commission.
Trends in the generation of packaging waste per capita vary between the countries (fig 2). While some countries (e.g. Italy and Portugal) experienced a relatively constant increase until 2008, others (e.g. France, Austria, Bulgaria and Slovakia) have been able to stabilise and even reverse the increase in generation. The trend is less clear for 2009-2010 and also in the data reported by the Denmark and Sweden due to a change in data reporting of packaging materials on stock at companies.
While there are significant year to year variations, the general trend in EU-15 shows that amounts of packaging were slowly rising except the drop in 2009 resulting from the economic downturn. Altogether, the packaging waste generation in the EU-15 saw slight relative decoupling from GDP (fig.3) between 1998 and 2007 growing by 11%, compared to a 19% growth in GDP (expressed in fixed price levels of year 2000) over the same period. However, the impacts of the recent economic downturn can already be observed on the data for 2008-2009: both the GDP and the amount of paper, plastic, metal and glass packaging waste have declined by around 5% between 2007 and 2009 in the EU-15, while both showed a 2% increase from 2009 to 2010.
Regarding the four main fractions of the packaging waste stream (glass, metals, paper & cardboard, plastics), their total generation and share of the total generation has changed over time, Figure 3 shows that with some fluctuations, the trend of generation of these materials follows the pattern of the total packaging waste generation per capita. However, the materials mainly responsible for the increase in the total generation are paper and plastic packaging wastes.
In 2009, the economic downturn decreased the GDP of EU-27 to a level which is still higher than the GDP level in 2005. At the same time, the amount of packaging waste generated has decreased by 4% (fig. 4) compared to 2005, while both the GDP and the amount of packaging waste per capita increased by 2% from 2009 to 2010.
Recycling is a key element in the management of packaging waste.
Table 1: Targets of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive
Targets in 94/62/EC |
Overall recovery target |
min. 50 %, max. 65 % |
min. 60 % |
Overall recycling target |
min. 25 %, max. 45 % |
min. 55 %, max.80 % |
Year to achieve targets |
30 June 2001 |
31 December 2008 |
Note: Greece, Ireland, Portugal and the EU-12 member states have individual derogations to meet the new targets. Depending on country, the targets will have to be reached 3 to 7 years later.
Source: Official Journal L 365, 31/12/1994 P. 0010 - 0023 and Official Journal L 047 , 18/02/2004 P. 0026 - 0032
The minimum target of 25 % recycling of all packaging materials was achieved by all EU-27 members in 2006. Furthermore, by 2008, 15 out of the 27 Member States had complied with the overall 55% minimum recycling targets of the packaging and packaging waste directive for 2008, and 5 additional Member State met this target by 2010 (fig. 5). The total recycling rate in the Member States in 2010 varied greatly, from 28,5 % in Malta to 84 % in Denmark.
The average EU-15 recycling rate for packaging waste has increased from 42 % in 1997 to 65,3 % in 2010, whereas the average EU-27 recycling rate has increased from 55% in 2005 to 63,2% in 2010 (fig. 6 and fig. 7). Disposal option for packaging waste treatment has been gradually decreasing and the option to incinerate has remained in a stable trend around 12-13 % since 2005.
To achieve the Directive targets, several Member States have introduced producer responsibility and established packaging waste recycling schemes. In addition, some Member states have introduced economic instruments (e.g. taxes, deposit systems) and improved their existing collection and recycling infrastructure.
Total packaging used in EU Member States in kg per capita.
Recycling of packaging waste as a share of packaging used in EU Member States. The amount of packaging used is expected to equal the amount of packaging waste generated because of its short lifetime.
kg per capita, percentage
This strategy sets out guidelines for European Union (EU) action and describes the ways in which waste management can be improved.
This Directive establishes a legal framework for the treatment of waste within the Community. It aims at protecting the environment and human health through the prevention of the harmful effects of waste generation and waste management.
Table 1: Targets of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive
By weight | Targets in 94/62/EC | targets in 2004/12/EC |
Overall recovery target |
min. 50 %, max. 65 % |
min. 60 % |
Overall recycling target |
min. 25 %, max. 45 % |
min. 55 %, max.80 % |
Year to achieve targets |
30 June 2001 |
31 December 2008 |
Note: Greece, Ireland, Portugal and the New Member States have individual derogations to meet the new targets. Depending on country, the targets will have to be reached 3 to 7 years later.
Source: Official Journal L 365 , 31/12/1994 P. 0010 - 0023 and Official Journal L 047 , 18/02/2004 P. 0026 - 0032
The graph of quantities of packaging waste generated is derived by dividing the amount of packaging used in the country by the country's population for the year in question.
(Total packaging waste generation (kg) / Population) = Packaging waste generation per capita
The graph of recycling of packaging waste is derived by dividing the quantity of packaging waste recycled by the total quantity of packaging waste generated and expressing it as a percentage.
(Recycling of packaging waste in tonnes (year x)) * 100 /
Total packaging waste generation in tonnes (year x)
= Recycling rate for packaging waste (%)
No data gap filling is required
No methodology references available.
The Commission Decision of 3 February 1997 establishes the formats, which Member States are to use in the annual reporting on the Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste. However, the decision does not define methods to estimate the quantities of packaging put on the market or to calculate the recovery and recycling rates in more detail to ensure data comparability.
Due to the absence of harmonised methodology, national data on packaging waste are not always comparable. Some countries include all packaging waste in the figure on total packaging waste generation while other countries only include the total for the four obligatory packaging waste streams; glass, metal, plastic, wood and paper and board.
No uncertainty has been specified
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