
Data table via SPARQL

GHG PROXY 2014 non ETS emissions

Data table via SPARQL Published 08 Dec 2015 Last modified 26 Aug 2017
This is an old version, kept for reference only.

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This page was archived on 26 Aug 2017 with reason: A new version has been published

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geo year value
"Austria" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "48.09"^^<>
"Belgium" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "71.67"^^<>
"Bulgaria" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "24.27"^^<>
"Croatia" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "16.25"^^<>
"Cyprus" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "3.98"^^<>
"Czech Republic" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "61.99"^^<>
"Denmark" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "32.36"^^<>
"Estonia" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "5.53"^^<>
"Finland" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "31.13"^^<>
"France" "2014 ESD emissions (proxy)" "349.88"^^<>

Received 28 rows in 0.001 seconds.

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The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX clrtap_nec_unfccc: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX sector: <>
PREFIX rdf-schema: <>
PREFIX proxy_2014: <>

?ugeo as ?geo
'2014 ESD emissions (proxy)' as ?year

#sum(?unfccc_crf_all_sectors) as ?unfccc_crf_all_sectors
#sum(?CITL_v19) as ?CITL_v19
#sum(xsd:decimal(?proxy)) as ?proxy
#sum(?unfccc_crf_1_a_3_a) as ?unfccc_crf_1_a_3_a

round(( sum(xsd:decimal(?proxy)) - sum(?CITL_v19)/1000 - sum(?unfccc_crf_1_a_3_a) )/10)/100.0 as ?value

  GRAPH <> 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:country_code ?geo .       
      FILTER (?geo != geo:EU28)
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:year ?year . FILTER (?year in ('2013'))
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:unit ?unit . FILTER (?unit = 'Gg CO2 equivalent')
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name ?pollutant_name . 
        FILTER (?pollutant_name = 'All greenhouse gases - (CO2 equivalent)')

        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?unfccc_crf_all_sectors .
      } UNION {
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:unit ?unit . FILTER (?unit = 'Gg')
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name ?pollutant_name . 
        FILTER (?pollutant_name = 'CO2')
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
        FILTER (?sector_code in (sector:1.A.3.a))
        _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?unfccc_crf_1_a_3_a .
  } UNION {  

  GRAPH <> 
      _:proxy_2014 proxy_2014:country_code ?geo . 
      FILTER (?geo != geo:EU28)
      _:proxy_2014 proxy_2014:year ?year .
      _:proxy_2014 proxy_2014:total ?proxy .
  } UNION {  

  GRAPH <> 
    _:CITL_v19 CITL_v19:country_code ?geo .
    _:CITL_v19 CITL_v19:main_activity_sector_name ?main_activity_sector_name . 
    FILTER (?main_activity_sector_name = '20-99 All stationary installations')
    _:CITL_v19 CITL_v19:ETS_information ?ETS_information . 
    FILTER (?ETS_information in ('2. Verified emissions'))
    _:CITL_v19 CITL_v19:year ?year . FILTER (?year = '2014')
    _:CITL_v19 CITL_v19:value ?CITL_v19 .
    _:CITL_v19 CITL_v19:unit ?unit .
?geo rdf-schema:label ?ugeo .
FILTER (?geo != geo:NO and ?geo != geo:LI and ?geo != geo:IS)
GROUP BY ?ugeo

ORDER BY ?year ?ugeo


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