
Data table via SPARQL

Transport emissions of GHGs

Data table via SPARQL Published 29 Aug 2019 Last modified 24 Jun 2020

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year all_sectors_excl_LULUCF Public_Electricity_and_Heat_Production Transport International_aviation International_maritime_transport all_sectors_excl_LULUCF_excl_bunkers transport_incl_aviation
"1990"^^<> "5654"^^<> "1437"^^<> "793"^^<> "69"^^<> "111"^^<> "5474"^^<> "862"^^<>
"1991"^^<> "5559"^^<> "1414"^^<> "800"^^<> "68"^^<> "109"^^<> "5382"^^<> "868"^^<>
"1992"^^<> "5384"^^<> "1365"^^<> "824"^^<> "74"^^<> "111"^^<> "5199"^^<> "897"^^<>
"1993"^^<> "5285"^^<> "1296"^^<> "828"^^<> "78"^^<> "112"^^<> "5096"^^<> "906"^^<>
"1994"^^<> "5259"^^<> "1294"^^<> "835"^^<> "81"^^<> "111"^^<> "5066"^^<> "916"^^<>
"1995"^^<> "5312"^^<> "1290"^^<> "847"^^<> "86"^^<> "111"^^<> "5115"^^<> "933"^^<>
"1996"^^<> "5422"^^<> "1320"^^<> "874"^^<> "90"^^<> "119"^^<> "5213"^^<> "964"^^<>
"1997"^^<> "5330"^^<> "1273"^^<> "885"^^<> "94"^^<> "129"^^<> "5106"^^<> "979"^^<>
"1998"^^<> "5285"^^<> "1295"^^<> "914"^^<> "101"^^<> "135"^^<> "5049"^^<> "1015"^^<>
"1999"^^<> "5176"^^<> "1262"^^<> "932"^^<> "109"^^<> "129"^^<> "4937"^^<> "1042"^^<>

Received 28 rows in 0.022 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX clrtap_nec_unfccc: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX unfccc_geo: <>
PREFIX sector: <>
PREFIX sectors: <>
PREFIX rdf-schema: <>

round( sum(?Totals_excl_incl)/1000) as ?all_sectors_excl_LULUCF
round( sum(?1_A_1_a)/1000) as ?Public_Electricity_and_Heat_Production
round( sum(?1_A_3)/1000) as ?Transport
round( sum(?1_D_1_a)/1000) as ?International_aviation
round( sum(?1_D_1_b)/1000) as ?International_maritime_transport
round(( sum(?Totals_excl_incl) - sum(?1_D_1_a) - sum(?1_D_1_b) )/1000) as ?all_sectors_excl_LULUCF_excl_bunkers
round(( sum(?1_A_3) + sum(?1_D_1_a) )/1000) as ?transport_incl_aviation

SELECT distinct
xsd:integer(?year) as ?year
bif:either(?sector_code = sectors:Totals_excl_incl, ?unfccc_crf, 0) as ?Totals_excl_incl
bif:either(?sector_code = sector:1.A.1.a, ?unfccc_crf, 0) as ?1_A_1_a
bif:either(?sector_code = sector:1.A.3, ?unfccc_crf, 0) as ?1_A_3
bif:either(?sector_code = sector:1.A.3.B, ?unfccc_crf, 0) as ?1_A_3_B
bif:either(?sector_code = sector:1.D.1.a, ?unfccc_crf, 0) as ?1_D_1_a
bif:either(?sector_code = sector:1.D.1.b, ?unfccc_crf, 0) as ?1_D_1_b

    GRAPH <> 
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:unit 'Gg CO2 equivalent' .
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:pollutant_name 'All greenhouse gases - (CO2 equivalent)' .
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:year ?year .
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:country_code ?geo .
      FILTER (?geo in (unfccc_geo:EUA))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:sector_code ?sector_code . 
      FILTER (?sector_code in (sectors:Totals_excl_incl, sector:1.A.1.a, 
                               sector:1.A.3, sector:1.A.3.B, 
                               sector:1.D.1.a, sector:1.D.1.b))
      _:unfccc_crf clrtap_nec_unfccc:emissions ?unfccc_crf .
GROUP BY xsd:integer(?year)
HAVING xsd:integer(?year) >= 1990
ORDER BY ?year


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