
Data table via SPARQL

Household appliances - Trend in household expenditure for disaggregated electrical and electronic goods, per person and in constant prices, indexed, EU-27, 1996-2012

Data table via SPARQL Published 13 Aug 2014 Last modified 20 Apr 2016

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date label index nama_co3_k nama_co3_k_idx pro_capita pro_capita_idx demo_pjan demo_pjan_idx
"1996"^^<> "Household appliances" "100"^^<> "42736"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "477856152"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"1997"^^<> "Household appliances" "102.7"^^<> "43977"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00009187872487171874"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "478641819"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"1998"^^<> "Household appliances" "105.9"^^<> "45553"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00009471578330730432"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "480944130"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"1999"^^<> "Household appliances" "111.2"^^<> "47917"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00009948396562299875"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "481655508"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"2000"^^<> "Household appliances" "115"^^<> "49610"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00010282708296563911"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "482460443"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"2001"^^<> "Household appliances" "118.7"^^<> "51359"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00010614537141729533"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "483855295"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"2002"^^<> "Household appliances" "118.6"^^<> "51402"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.0001060360290631384"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "484759760"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"2003"^^<> "Household appliances" "122.3"^^<> "53210"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00010937090083937531"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "486509662"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"2004"^^<> "Household appliances" "127"^^<> "55473"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00011358024969411822"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "488403575"^^<> "477856152"^^<>
"2005"^^<> "Household appliances" "131.8"^^<> "57834"^^<> "42736"^^<> "0.00011791697432277857"^^<> "0.00008943277139183927"^^<> "490463738"^^<> "477856152"^^<>

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The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <> 
PREFIX sdmx-attribute: <> 
PREFIX property: <> 
PREFIX coicop: <>
PREFIX unit: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX sex: <>
PREFIX age: <>

year(?date) as ?date
'Household appliances' as ?label
round(( ( sum(?nama_co3_k)/sum(?demo_pjan) ) / ( sum(?nama_co3_k_idx)/sum(?demo_pjan_idx) ) )*1000)/10.0 as ?index 
sum(?nama_co3_k) as ?nama_co3_k
sum(?nama_co3_k_idx) as ?nama_co3_k_idx
sum(?nama_co3_k)/sum(?demo_pjan) as ?pro_capita
sum(?nama_co3_k_idx)/sum(?demo_pjan_idx) as ?pro_capita_idx
sum(?demo_pjan) as ?demo_pjan
sum(?demo_pjan_idx) as ?demo_pjan_idx

  GRAPH <> 
     _:nama_co3_k sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . FILTER (year(?date) >= 1996)
     _:nama_co3_k sdmx-dimension:refArea geo:EU27 . 
     _:nama_co3_k property:coicop coicop:CP053 .
     _:nama_co3_k sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIO_EUR_CLV2000 .
     _:nama_co3_k sdmx-measure:obsValue ?nama_co3_k .

     _:nama_co3_k_idx sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date_idx . FILTER (year(?date_idx) = 1996)
     _:nama_co3_k_idx sdmx-dimension:refArea geo:EU27 . 
     _:nama_co3_k_idx property:coicop coicop:CP053 .
     _:nama_co3_k_idx sdmx-attribute:unitMeasure unit:MIO_EUR_CLV2000 .
     _:nama_co3_k_idx sdmx-measure:obsValue ?nama_co3_k_idx .
  } UNION {
  GRAPH <> 
     _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date . FILTER (year(?date) >= 1996)
     _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:refArea geo:EU27 .
     _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:age age:TOTAL .
     _:demo_pjan sdmx-dimension:sex sex:sex-T .
     _:demo_pjan sdmx-measure:obsValue ?demo_pjan .

     _:demo_pjan_idx sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date_idx . FILTER (year(?date_idx) = 1996)
     _:demo_pjan_idx sdmx-dimension:refArea geo:EU27 .
     _:demo_pjan_idx sdmx-dimension:age age:TOTAL .
     _:demo_pjan_idx sdmx-dimension:sex sex:sex-T .
     _:demo_pjan_idx sdmx-measure:obsValue ?demo_pjan_idx .
GROUP BY ?date


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