
Data table via SPARQL

Trends in share of household expenditure on transport

Data table via SPARQL Published 19 Jan 2013 Last modified 10 Feb 2025
This query shows three columns: year, expenditure and countries in the summation. The _:guard is the least reported dimension. It is there to ensure that a country has reported on all five dimensions. The query only sums countries that are EEA member countries.

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year label share countries
"1990"^^<> "Transport"@en "14.377839161295608856"^^<> "AT, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, UK"
"1990"^^<> "Purchase of vehicles"@en "5.475076486362998793"^^<> "AT, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, UK"
"1990"^^<> "Operation of personal transport equipment"@en "6.546163321820451821"^^<> "AT, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, UK"
"1990"^^<> "Transport services"@en "2.356599353112158241"^^<> "AT, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, UK"
"1991"^^<> "Transport"@en "14.20948971989826938"^^<> "AT, DE, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, SI, UK"
"1991"^^<> "Purchase of vehicles"@en "5.573091052329614057"^^<> "AT, DE, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, SI, UK"
"1991"^^<> "Operation of personal transport equipment"@en "6.435831784824326291"^^<> "AT, DE, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, SI, UK"
"1991"^^<> "Transport services"@en "2.200566882744329031"^^<> "AT, DE, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, LU, NL, NO, PT, SI, UK"
"1992"^^<> "Transport"@en "13.784800845071536993"^^<> "AT, DE, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, IT, LU, LV, NL, NO, PT, SI, UK"
"1992"^^<> "Purchase of vehicles"@en "5.224989746518102176"^^<> "AT, DE, DK, FI, FR, IE, IS, IT, LU, LV, NL, NO, PT, SI, UK"

Received 92 rows in 0.043 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX sdmx-measure: <>
PREFIX sdmx-dimension: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX property: <>
PREFIX c: <>
PREFIX u: <>

  YEAR(?date) as ?year
  SUM(?val)/SUM(?total)*100 AS ?share
  sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?cc,', ') AS ?countries
  GRAPH <> {
        _:total sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date.
        _:total property:geo ?ugeo . 
        _:total property:coicop c:TOTAL .
        _:total property:unit u:MIO_EUR . 
        _:total sdmx-measure:obsValue ?total.
        _:guard sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:guard property:geo ?ugeo .
        _:guard property:coicop c:CP071 .
        _:guard property:unit  u:MIO_EUR.
        _:guard sdmx-measure:obsValue ?cp071val.
        _:x sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:x property:geo ?ugeo . 
        _:x property:coicop c:CP07, _:l .
        _:x property:unit u:MIO_EUR . 
        _:x sdmx-measure:obsValue ?val. 
    } UNION {
        _:x sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:x property:geo ?ugeo . 
        _:x property:coicop c:CP071, _:l .
        _:x property:unit u:MIO_EUR . 
        _:x sdmx-measure:obsValue ?val. 
    } UNION {
        _:x sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:x property:geo ?ugeo . 
        _:x property:coicop c:CP072, _:l .
        _:x property:unit u:MIO_EUR . 
        _:x sdmx-measure:obsValue ?val. 
    } UNION {
        _:x sdmx-dimension:timePeriod ?date .
        _:x property:geo ?ugeo. 
        _:x property:coicop c:CP073, _:l .
        _:x property:unit u:MIO_EUR . 
        _:x sdmx-measure:obsValue ?val. 
  _:l skos:prefLabel ?label;
      skos:notation  ?cpcode.
  ?ugeo skos:notation ?cc .
  ?eeacountry owl:sameAs ?ugeo.
   <> skos:member ?eeacountry
FILTER(?date >= "1990-01-01"^^xsd:date)
GROUP BY ?date ?label ?cpcode
ORDER BY ?date ?cpcode

Error when running query:

Error. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ZSPARQLMethod-2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/ZSPARQLMethod/", line 287, in run_with_timeout
    ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ZSPARQLMethod-2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/ZSPARQLMethod/", line 215, in query_and_get_result
    result = sparql.query(*args, timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 0) or 0)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 747, in query
    return s.query(query, timeout, raw=raw)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 416, in query
    return q.query(query, timeout, raw=raw)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 571, in query
    response = self._request(statement, timeout)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 558, in _request
    response = self._build_response(query, opener, buf, timeout)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 543, in _build_response
    timeout if timeout > 0 else None)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 514, in _get_response
    response =, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 429, in open
    response = self._open(req, data)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 447, in _open
    '_open', req)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 1228, in http_open
    return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 1198, in do_open
    raise URLError(err)
URLError: <urlopen error [Errno -2] No address found>


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