
Data providers and partners

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS)

Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution (ISEM)

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World Database on Protected Areas

The World Database on Protected Areas is a foundation dataset for conservation decision making. It contains crucial information from national governments, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, international biodiversity convention secretariats and many others. It is used for ecological gap analysis, environmental impact analysis and is increasingly used for private sector decision-making.

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Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risks, Department of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences

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Wojewódzki Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska w Bydgoszczy

Provincial Environmental Protection Inspectorate, Bydgoszcz, Poland

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Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centrs

Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre

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SINAnet - sistema Informativo Nazionale Ambientale

National Environmental Information System, Italy

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Consejero de Medio Ambiente, Ordenación del Territorio y Urbanismo, Gobierno de Cantabria

Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Urban Development, Government of Cantabria

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Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment of the Government of Andalucía

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Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Lithuania

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Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie - ADEME

Agency for Environment and Energy management, France

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Eesti Keskkonnauuringute Keskus - Estonian Environmental Research Centre (EKUK)

Estonian Environmental Research Centre (EKUK) is a leading chemical and physical lab analysis service provider in Estonia. The Centre offers chemical and physical lab analysis, and geotechnical investigations. Our clients are private enterprises, private individuals and various state institutions. EKUK has been designated by relevant government institutions to operate as an approved laboratory in the field of food and fuel testing and as a reference laboratory in the field of waste water. EKUK offers a wide selection of chemical and physical analyses and related services.

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Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial, Agricultura y Pesca, Gobierno Vasco

Department of Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries, Basque Government, Spain

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The Environment Agency of Iceland

The Environment Agency operates under the direction of the Ministry for the Environment. It's role is to promote the protection as well as sustainable use of Iceland’s natural resources, as well as public welfare by helping to ensure a healthy environment, and safe consumer good

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Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI)

The Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute (SHMI) is a specialized organization providing hydrological and meteorological services at the national and international level. The SHMI was established by the former Ministry of Forestry and Water Management on 1 January 1969, and the scope of its activities is currently laid down in Act no. 201/2009 on state hydrological and meteorological services. The SHMI is the successor of institutions that were providing hydrological and meteorological services in Slovakia from the mid-19th century. It is state-subsidised organisation operating under the Slovak Ministry of Environment.

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Wojewódzki Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska (WIOS ) w Warszawie

Provincial Environmental Protection Inspectorate, Warszaw, Poland

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Departamento de Desarrollo Rural y Medio Ambiente de Navarra

Department of Rural Development and Environment of Navarra, Spain

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