

Page Last modified 31 Jul 2023
1 min read
This page was archived on 31 Jul 2023 with reason: Other (new version on
Examples of form controls elements such as inputs or text area.


Submit inputs

Button inputs

Text inputs

Standard text input

Site search text input

Themes search text input

Note that this input style is loaded only on themes page.

Data and maps search text input

Note that this input style is loaded only on data-and-maps page.

Besides the data-and-maps condition for the loading of the custom styles, currently the css is scoped also to a parent with id faceted-text-search as seen in the code example.

Faceted navigation search text input

Note that this input style is loaded only on faceted navigation page.

Besides the data-and-maps condition for the loading of the custom styles, currently the css is scoped also to a parent with class faceted-text-widget as seen in the code example.

Search app text input

Style found only on Search app website.

Given the fact that the styles are not loaded on this site, we hide the actual markup and instead show an image of how it currently looks on the search site.


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Filed under: corporate design
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