
Data table via SPARQL


Data table via SPARQL Published 21 Jun 2016 Last modified 28 Jul 2021

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uri title created modified published language translation_of_uri mps_code serial_title description type_uri isbn prod_id
<> "Launch of The European Environment State and Outlook Report 2005"@en "2005-11-29T08:45:00Z"^^<> "2014-10-16T10:56:11Z"^^<> "2005-11-29T08:45:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "Speech by Margot Wallstr\u00c3\u00b6m, Vice-President, Institutional Relations and Communication Strategy, European Commission"@en <> "" "T34QMHB9SX"
<> "Outlook 2005-2010: Projections and scenarios for mobility, environment, health and economy with respect to regulated pollutants and noise in EU25 and in the 31 EEA member states. Business as usual vs. sustainability scenarios"@en "2005-10-03T12:20:00Z"^^<> "2014-10-16T10:56:10Z"^^<> "2005-10-03T12:20:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "Speech at the Austrian Parliament, 3 October 2005"@en <> "" "9NT3ODMXJR"
<> "Environmental information and public participation"@en "2008-11-13T09:46:03Z"^^<> "2011-04-13T19:43:13Z"^^<> "2008-11-13T09:47:46Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "Presentation by Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director, European Environment Agency. The role of information in an age of climate change \u2013 An international conference to mark the 10th anniversary of the Aarhus convention, Aarhus, November 13 2008."@en <> "" "4IOP1HAK2M"
<> "Visions of the future for Europe - Prelude - five scenarios for 2030"@en "2006-11-29T12:58:13Z"^^<> "2011-04-13T19:43:10Z"^^<> "2006-11-29T13:20:20Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "Prof. Jacqueline McGlade's speech at Friends of Europe, Brussels, 29 November 2006"@en <> "" "0NGP9T67W5"
<> "The European environment \u2013 state and outlook 2010"@en "2010-12-02T13:19:39Z"^^<> "2011-04-13T19:43:19Z"^^<> "2010-12-02T13:20:59Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "Speech by Joke Schauvliege, Flemish Minister for Environment, Nature and Culture at the launch of SOER 2010 in the European Parliament, Brussels, on 30 November 2010"@en <> "" "J7VH2XM3TS"
<> "Unintended effects: the need for a proper assessment framework for agrofuels"@en "2008-01-29T14:23:41Z"^^<> "2011-04-13T19:43:11Z"^^<> "2008-02-06T23:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "EEA Executive Director, Professor Jacqueline McGlade's speech at the EEAC Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, 29 January 2008"@en <> "" "8ZKPH7XJ5T"
<> "The 10th Anniversary of EMAS in Germany"@en "2006-02-15T08:00:00Z"^^<> "2014-10-16T10:56:11Z"^^<> "2006-02-15T08:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "Address by Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director, European Environment Agency"@en <> "" "3S2Y9JX4EH"
<> "The role of the European Environment Agency in delivering information to support the policy process"@en "2001-04-23T22:00:00Z"^^<> "2014-10-16T10:56:02Z"^^<> "2001-04-23T22:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "The European Environment Agency (EEA) is a European Community institution with the aim of serving the Community and the Member States with information."@en <> "" "IY9NR8PQA6"
<> "Conference on Changing Land Use in Europe - Getting the Picture"@en "2004-11-11T23:00:00Z"^^<> "2014-10-16T10:56:08Z"^^<> "2004-11-11T23:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "Speech to EU Conference 'Changing Land Use in Europe' Kasteel Groeneveld, the Netherlands, 9-12 November 2004"@en <> "" "O7GI4F02HB"
<> "Internalisation of external costs and greening transport"@en "2008-12-11T11:24:00Z"^^<> "2011-04-13T19:43:14Z"^^<> "2008-12-11T11:29:09Z"^^<> "en" "" "2011"@en "" "CLECAT Freight Forwarders\u2019 Conference, 50th Anniversary.\u000d\nPresentation by Prof. Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director, European Environment Agency, in Brussels, 3rd December 2008"@en <> "" "UB437V8ZY6"

Received 91 rows in 0.009 seconds.

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PREFIX eea: <>
PREFIX amp:<> 
PREFIX prod: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

?subject as ?uri
lang(?title) as ?language
  ?subject a prod:Speech .
  ?subject dc:title ?title .
  ?subject dc:created ?created .
  ?subject dc:modified ?modified .
  ?subject dc:issued ?published .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject eea:isTranslationOf ?translation_of_uri } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:management_plan ?mps_code } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:serial_title ?serial_title } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:description ?description } .
  ?subject a ?type_uri .
  FILTER (?type_uri = prod:Speech)
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:isbn ?isbn } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject schema:productID ?prod_id } .


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