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See all EU institutions and bodiesThe Eighth Environment Action Programme calls for the European Union to significantly reduce its consumption footprint, i.e. the global environmental and climate impacts of the EU residents’ consumption. The global impacts from the EU’s consumption showed some variation during 2010-2021, yet the 2021 value is only slightly higher than 2010. Increasing trends indicate challenges ahead in the effort to reduce these impacts in the near future. Consuming differently, consuming less and focusing on product eco-design are effective strategies to reduce environmental impacts of EU consumption.
Figure 1. Global impacts from EU consumption aggregated in a single score (million points), divided into consumption domains from 2010 to 2021
![Global impacts from EU consumption aggregated in a single score (million points), divided into consumption domains from 2010 to 2021](/api/SITE/data-and-maps/figures/weighted-impacts-of-eu-consumption-1/fig1-251734-wst008-v4.eps/FIG1-251734-WST008-v4.eps.75dpi.png)
The EU’s Eighth Environment Action Programme (8th EAP) calls for a significant reduction in the impacts caused globally due to EU’s consumption, and for bringing them within planetary boundaries. These impacts represent the harm on the environmental and climate caused by the consumption of goods and services by EU citizens, irrespective of whether these are produced within or outside the EU.
The methodology used to calculate the global impacts from EU consumption is based on translating monetary transactions of economic sectors into emissions to the environment. Using the European Commission’s Environmental Footprint (EF) method, these emissions are converted to a single score representing all types of environmental and climate impacts.
Figure 1 displays the global impacts from the EU’s consumption over time in a single score. During the period 2010-2021, these impacts show some variation, yet the 2021 value is only slightly over that in 2010. The overall trend can be divided into: (i) a substantial decrease between 2010 and 2016 (-13%) characterised by limited increases in consumption expenditure and high environmental efficiency improvements in goods production, and (ii) a subsequent increase between 2016 and 2021 (+17%) when increases in consumption expenditure were substantially higher than any improvements in environmental efficiency.
The domains mainly responsible for the EU’s global impacts are housing, food and household goods, which together account for more than 70% of the total impacts. The relative share of each of the main consumption domains barely changes over time during 2010 and 2021, indicating that the consumption habits of EU citizens have not substantially changed in the last decade.
Overall, EU consumption patterns are considered unsustainable as they exceed several of the planetary boundaries for specific environmental impacts, such as climate change and resource use. Key drivers of changes in the global impacts from EU consumption include the level of consumption expenditure (level of affluence in EU societies), the consumption mix (type of goods and services we consume), the EU population and changes in the environmental efficiency of production networks (e.g. decarbonisation of energy production).
Reductions in the EU global impacts can be achieved by: (i) consuming differently, i.e. shifting to less environmentally harmful goods and services, (ii) consuming less by, e.g. extending the life span of products through circular economy measures, and (iii) scaling up eco-design of new products.
Looking to the future, the last five years have seen a continuous increase in the global impacts from EU consumption. If this trend continues, the EU will face serious challenges in achieving its aim of significantly reducing it's global impacts by 2030.
Figure 2. Global impacts from EU countries' consumption in 2010 and 2021
![Global impacts from EU countries' consumption in 2010 and 2021](/api/SITE/data-and-maps/figures/consumption-footprints-in-points-per-1/fig2-251735-wst008-v2.eps/FIG2-251735-WST008-v2.eps.75dpi.png)
Figure 2 shows the global impacts associated with the 27 EU Member States' consumption for 2021, compared with 2010, as a single, per capita score. Luxembourg shows the highest impacts level and Romania the lowest, with the difference between them being sixfold.
Fifteen countries registered an increase in their impacts, while 12 showed a decrease. With a few exceptions, most countries do not show important changes in their impacts for the time period in question. Lithuania and Estonia stand out with increases of more than 30% between 2010 and 2021. However, Malta, Italy and Denmark demonstrate significant reductions, of more than 10%. With the exception of Greece and Italy, whose gross domestic products (GDPs) also dropped during this period, the remaining ten countries registering a decrease in their global impacts show that it is possible to reduce consumption-based global impacts in a growing economy.