Table E.13

Summary of requirements for reporting monitoring programmes under international agreements

Agreement Reporting requirement Report frequency Reporting authority Reporting composition
Helsinki Convention 1974 as revised in 1992 (Baltic Sea) on a voluntary basis every 5th year (starting in 1993) contracting authorities report to Commission very detailed format
Agreement between Finland and Russian Federation concerning frontier water courses 1964 resolution of commission under agreement annually, two months after sampling Working group under commission Results and conclusions exchanged with other party. Commission produces a joint report
Regensburg Agreement 1987 (Danube Basin) not specified annual Ständige Gewässerkommission nach dem Regensburger Vertag Protokoll der Tagung der Gewasserkommission nach dem Regensburger Vertag, 1992
Convention concerning water economy questions relating to the Drava 1954 ni annual Österreichisch-Slowensiche Kommission für die Drau ni
Agreement concerning water economy in respect of the frontier sector of the Mura 1954 ni annual Österreichisch-Slowensiche Kommission für die Mura ni
Convention between the Land Baden-Wurttemberg, the free State of Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland on the protection of Lake Constance against pollution 1960 ni ni Internationalen Gewässerschutzkommission für den Bodensee (IKGB) ni
Treaty between Hungary and Austria on water economy 1956 ni annual Österreichisch-Ungarische Gewässerkommission ni
Treaty between Austria and Czech Republic on frontiers waters ni annual Österreichisch-tschechische Grenzgewässerkommission ni
Treaty between Austria and Slovak Republic on frontiers waters ni annual Österreichisch-Slowakische Grenzgewässerkommission ni
Bucharest Declaration (1985) ni ni Expertentreffen der Bukarester Deklaration Koordinatonationsstelle der Bukarester deklaration Romani ni
Rhine Convention 1976 Annually International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine Tables of figures and a quality report
Elbe Convention 1990 ni Annually International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe
OSPAR (North East Atlantic Treaty) 1992 ni annual report Oslo and Paris Commissions Annual review plus addition publications in specific areas e.g. Nutrients and Mercury
North Sea Task Force, 1990 North Sea Quality Status Report once so far North Sea Task Force Related to OSPAR and ICES
Protocol establishing an International Commission for the Protection of the Moselle (20/12/1961) ni annually since 1964 ni ni
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