Table E.6

Summary of the recommended analytical methods (mode and others) specified in directives

Determinand Mode Directives Others Directives
Matrix water
Arsenic AAS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC) AS Sampling and analysis (79/869/EEC)
BOD 5 BOD5 (ATU) Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC) BOD 5 Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC)
Boron AAS/AS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC) AAS/AS Sampling and analysis (79/869/EEC)
Cadmium AAS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Cadmium (83/513/EEC), Sampling and analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC), Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC) AS


Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC),

Sampling and analysis (79/869/EEC)

Chlorides AS/Titr Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC) AS/Titr Sampling and analysis (79/869/EEC),

Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC)

Chromium AAS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC) AS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC),

Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)

Colour AS Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC) Visual Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36)
Conductivity Elec Drinking Water (80/778/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC) EA Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)
Copper AAS Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC) AS/SA/EA Sampling analysis (79/869/EEC),

Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)

Dieldrin GC Aldrin (88/347/EEC), Bathing Water (76/160/EEC) GL or LC Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
DO Colour/ EA Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36), EQ(p) Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC), Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC)
Dissolved Hydrocarbons Grav/IRS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
Flow FM Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC)
Fluorides AS/ISE
HCCH GC Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Hexachlorocyclohexane (84/491/EEC) GC or LC Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
Hydroxides AS/AAS Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)
Iron AS/AAS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)
Lead AAS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC) EA Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC),

Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)

Manganese AAS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC),

Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)

AS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
Mercury AAS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Mercury (82/176/EEC),

Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC),

Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC)



Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC),

Mercury (84/156/EEC)

Mineral oils Visual & smell Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36) Weight Bathing Water (76/160/EEC)
Nickel AAS Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC) NS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)

Table E.6 continued

Determinand Mode Directives Others Directives
Nitrate AS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Drinking Water (80/778/EEC), Nitrates (91/676/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC) ISE Drinking Water (80/778/EEC)
Nitrogen AS/Titr Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC) Kj Bathing Water (76/160/EEC),
Parathion GC Bathing Water (76/160/EEC) GL or LC Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
PCP GC/HPLC Carbon tetrachloride (86/280/EEC)
Pesticides GC Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), GC or LC Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
Petroleum Hydrocarbons Vis and taste Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC), Visual Shellfish Waters (79/923/EEC)
pH Elec Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36), Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC),

Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)

NS Drinking Water (80/778/EEC)
Phenols AS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC) Taste Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC)
Smell Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36),
Residual Chlorine AS Drinking Water (80/778/EEC), Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC) Titr Drinking Water (80/778/EEC)
Sulphates AS/Grav/Titr Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
Surfactants AS Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC),

Exchange of Information (77/95/EEC)

Visual Bathing Water (76/160/EEC), Proposed Bathing Water (COM(94)36),
Suspended Solids Cent/ weight Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish (79/923/EEC) Grav Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC)
Turbidity FT/ Secchi/


Drinking Water (80/778/EEC) Turb
Vanadium AAS Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC) NS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)
Zinc AAS Freshwater Fish (78/659/EEC), Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC), Shellfish (79/923/EEC), Titanium Dioxide (82/883/EEC) AS Sampling and Analysis (79/869/EEC)


Mode the most commonly recommended method

AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry

AS Absorption Spectrophotometry

EA Electrochemical Analysis

Titr Titrometry

Elec Electrometry

GC Gas Chromatography

LC Liquid Chromatography

Colo Colourimetry

MPN Dilution Most Probable Number

Conf Concentration/Confirmation

Grav Gravimetry

IRS Infra-red spectrometry

FM Flowmeter

ISE Ion selective electrode

NS Not specified

FT Farmazine test

HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography

SM Silicon Method

Turb Turbidimetry

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