INFORMATION SOURCES Section 6 : World Wide Web Sites Category 1 - Organisations Name of site/organisation: | Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment (ACRE) | Web address: | | Information: | Newsletters of ACRE and ACGM (Advisory Committee on Genetic Modification) - comprehensive information on the two departments and links to other biotechnology sites. | Name of site/organisation: | American Institute of Chemical Engineers | Web address: | | Information: | Provides comprehensive information about the institute such as its mission and objectives, contacts, programmes and activities and publications. | Name of site/organisation: | Carcinogenicity Potency Database Project | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the project and access to the database on carcinogenicity of substances. | Name of site/organisation: | Danish National Environment Research Institute | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the research activities and projects of the Institute | Name of site/organisation: | Environmental Hazard Assessment Program, Medical University of South Carolina | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the University's program to address risk communication, risk assessment and risk management in the field of human health protection. Provides a bridge to other useful links. | Name of site/organisation: | European Chemical Bureau (JRC) | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the facilities and activities of the Bureau, including the work on classification and labelling, the IUCLID, New Chemicals and EINECS databases, HEDSET, and a list of selected references. | Name of site/organisation: | European Federation Biotechnology Working Party - Safety in Biotechnology | Web address: | | Information: | The site provides information on the working party, members, philosophy and activities of the organisation, a list of publications and links to other biosafety sites. | Name of site/organisation: | Fraunhofer Gesellschaft | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the activities of the various research institutes such as the Fraunhofer-Institut für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (IUCT), lists of contacts, publications, press releases and a search facility for the site. | Name of site/organisation: | GREENPEACE International | Web address: | | Information: | Site of GREENPEACE international provides information on all their activities. Search on risk assessment produces many interesting documents demonstrating the views of GREENPEACE in public risk issues. | Name of site/organisation: | Institute of Food Science and Technology | Web address: | | Information: | Provides detailed information on food science and technology and the work of the institute and discussion of current "hot topics" such as BSE. | Name of site/organisation: | Institution of Chemical Engineers | Web address: | | Information: | Provides general information about the Institution, the list of publications is particularly useful. | Name of site/organisation: | International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) (WHO) | Web address: | | Information: | Information on the organisation, research programmes, press releases and lists of publications in including the monograph evaluations. | Name of site/organisation: | International Agency for Research on Cancer and National Toxicology Programme Carcinogen List | Web address: | | Information: | This list includes three categories of substances and processes regarded as carcinogenic, primarily by the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organisation (IARC) and, to a lesser extent, the US Government's Annual Report on Carcinogens from the National Toxicology Program (NTP). | Name of site/organisation: | International Programme on Chemical Safety | Web address: | | Information: | Home page of IPCS - provides information on organisational structure, programmes and activities, publications and services. Includes gopher access to some Environmental Health Criteria documents. | Name of site/organisation: | International Society for Exposure Analysis | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the Society - membership, journals, newsletters and conferences. | Name of site/organisation: | Joint Research Centre for the European Commission - Environment Institute | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on all the activities of the Institute, including links to the ECB page, and the Annual Report, Databases and Newsletters. | Name of site/organisation: | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Risk Related Research | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the research activities of the laboratory in the field of risk. LBNL "conducts research to improve the scientific basis of risk assessment. Research is focused in several major areas to support these overall goals: Characterisation of exposures of human populations to environmental pollutants and radiation; Development of the technical basis for setting priorities for research and regulations by ranking possible hazards for occupational, residential, and other settings; Mechanisms of biological damage at the cellular, molecular, organ and whole organism level, including development and validation of biomarkers; Effects of environmental pollution on ecosystems and ecosystem restoration. | Name of site/organisation: | National Food Agency of Denmark | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the work of the Agency - goals, objectives, responsibilities, etc. | Name of site/organisation: | Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Division, Ecological Risk Analysis Tools and Applications Programme | Web address: | | Information: | Contains information on the work of the programme including a down-loadable database and reports on chemical data that can be used to conduct ecological screening and baseline risk assessments at hazardous waste sites. The site intends to provide access to guidance documents for evaluating ecological risk assessment data, as well as complete text copies of ecological risk assessment reports for specific DOE sites in the U.S. Links to other sites. | Name of site/organisation: | OECD Biotrack Online | Web address: | | Information: | The programme aims to produce documents for use by national authorities for the regulatory assessment of genetically modified products intended for release to the environment. This web page describes the projects and the expert group, lists publications, provides information on regulatory activities in member countries and provides excellent links to other sites. | Name of site/organisation: | OECD Chemicals Programme | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the Chemicals Programme - projects, publications, activities, links to other sources of information. | Name of site/organisation: | Risk Assessment and Policy Association | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the Association, its goals and objectives, publications, conferences and membership. | Name of site/organisation: | RIVM - Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment | Web address: | | Information: | Provides limited information on RIVM and publications as the site is still being developed. | Name of site/organisation: | SETAC | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on SETAC activities, meetings, publications, history, and details of Advisory Groups and projects. | Name of site/organisation: | The Centre for Environmental Risk Reduction and Pollution Prevention - University of California, Los Angeles | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the activities of the work program including research into risk reduction strategies, exposure assessment and risk assessment. | Name of site/organisation: | The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences | Web address: | | Information: | Provides detailed information on the organisation including research programmes, the National Toxicology Programme, Environmental Health Perspectives Journal and library resources. | Name of site/organisation: | The Royal Society of Chemistry | Web address: | | Information: | Provides excellent information on the Society, including contacts, activities, products (CD-ROMs, publications), information and library services and links to other sites. | Name of site/organisation: | UNEP - Trade and Environment Monograph Series Science, Risk Analysis and Environmental Policy Decisions | Web address: | gopher:// | Information: | Specific UNEP site - full text version of monograph - Science - Risk Analysis and Environmental Policy Decisions. Interesting comments on environmental risk assessment. | Name of site/organisation: | UNEP Homepage | Web address: | | Information: | Information on UNEP - conventions, programmes documents. Search facility - good results with "risk assessment". Key links - IRPTC and Trade and the Environment. | Name of site/organisation: | United Nations Industrial Development Organisation - Biosafety Information Network and Advisory Service | Web address: | | Information: | The objective of BINAS is to monitor global developments in regulatory issues in biotechnology. The site provides information on regulatory developments, BINAS projects, publications and conferences and a list of experts in the biotechnology field who may be able to assist in the safety assessments of GMOs. | Name of site/organisation: | US Environmental Protection Agency | Web address: | | Information: | Provides full details about the various departments working within the EPA, their work and the projects carried out. Information is provided on programmes, initiatives, news, publications, library resources, data systems and software. Of particular relevance to risk assessment is the work of the Centre for Exposure Assessment Modelling: which has details of projects, software, etc. and the National Exposure Research Laboratory: | Name of site/organisation: | WHO Division of Food and Nutrition - Food Safety Unit | Web address: | | Information: | Provides information on the public health issue of food safety, guidance on the safe preparation of food, information on the activities of the unit, a comprehensive list of publications available and links to other food safety sites. | Name of site/organisation: | World Health Organization | Web address: | | Information: | Provides full details of all the WHO programmes, including IPCS, Food and Nutrition (Codex Alimentarius, etc.), offices, publications, library, etc. | |