Subsection 1 : Books

Category 1 - Integrated risk assessment/management/analysis/general chemical


Gillett, J. 1996 Hazard Study & Risk Assessment: A Complete Guide. Interpharm Press, Incorporated. ISBN 1 57491 029 9.

Gratt, L. 1996 Air Toxic Risk Assessment & Management. Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 0 442 01188 1

LaPoint, T. A. Price, F. T. and Little, E. 1996 Environmental Toxicology & Risk Assessment, Vol. 4, No. 1262. American Society for Testing & Materials. ISBN 0 8031 1998 4.

Margolis, H. 1996 Dealing with Risk: Why the Public & the Experts Disagree on Environmental Issues. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0 226 50525 1.

SRA - Europe 1996 Risk In a Modern Society Lessons from Europe - The 1996 Annual Meeting for the Society for Risk Analysis - Europe. University of Surrey, Guildford. ISBN 1 852 37185 4.

Vincoli , J. W. 1996 Risk Management for Hazardous Chemicals. CRC Press Inc./ Lewis Publishers. ISBN 1 56 6702 00 3.

Vose, David 1996 Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide to Monte Carlo Simulation Modelling. Wiley Liss Inc., US. ISBN 0 471 95803 4

Walker, C. 1996 Genetics & Cancer Susceptibility: Implications for Risk Assessment: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Carcinogenesis & Risk Assessment, Held in Austin, Texas, November 30-December 3, 1994. Wiley-Liss Inc., US. ISBN 0 471 13777 4.


Beer, T. 1995 Environmental Risk Assessment - An Australian Perspective. Barton, A.C.T. Supervising Scientist. ISBN 0 642 24301 8.

Environmental Protection Agency Staff 1995 Risk Assessment Methodologies for Toxic Air Pollutants. Government Institutes, Incorporated. ISBN 0 86587 445 X.

Freestone, D. and Hey, E. 1995 The Precautionary Principle & International Law: The Challenge of Implementation. Kluwer Law International. ISBN 90 411 0143 8.

Graham, J. D. 1995 The Role of Epidemiology in Regulatory Risk Assessment. Excerpta Medica. ISBN 0 444 82201 1.

Graham, J. D. and Wiener, J. B. 1995 Risk versus Risk: Trade-offs in Protecting Health & the Environment. Harvard University Press. ISBN 0 674 77304 7

Kumamoto, H.  and Henley, E. J. 1995 Probabilistic Risk Assessment & Management for Engineers & Scientists. IEEE Press, US. ISBN 0 7803 1004 7

Lemons, J. 1995 Risk Assessment (Readings from the Environment Professional). Blackwell Scientific. ISBN 0 86542 459 4.

Maret, S. 1995 Environmental Health & Risk Assessment, 1990-1994. Council of Planning Librarians. ISBN 0 86602 325 9.

Melchers, R. E. and Stewart, M. G. 1995 Integrated Risk Assessment: Current Practice & New Directions: Proceedings of the Conference, New Castle, NSW, Australia, 1-2 June 1995. Ashgate Publishing Company. ISBN 0 614 07739 7.

UK Department of the Environment 1995 A Guide to Risk Assessment and Management for Environmental Protection. HMSO. ISBN 0 11 753091 3.

UK Government/Industry Working Group 1995 Risk Reduction for Existing Substances - Guidance produced by UK Government/Industry Working Group. Department of the Environment.

UK Government/Industry Working Group 1995 Risk-Benefit Analysis of Existing Substances - Guidance produced by UK Government/Industry Working Group. Department of the Environment.

van Leeuwen, C. J. and Hermens, J.L.M. 1995 Risk Assessment of Chemicals - An Introduction. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0 7923 3740 9.


Bates, D. 1994 Environmental Health Risks & Public Policy: Decision Making in Free Societies. UBC Press, Canada. ISBN 0 7748 0506 4.

Bolt, H. M., Hellman, B. and Dencker, L. 1994 Use of Mechanistic Information in Risk Assessment: Proceedings of the 1993 EUROTOX Congress Meeting Held in Uppsala, Sweden, June 30-July 3, 1993. Springer - Verlag GmbH & Co. ISBN 3 540 57442 5.

Brock Neely, W. 1994 Introduction to Chemical Exposure & Risk Assessment. Lewis Publishers, US. ISBN 1 56670 094 9.

Covello, V. T. and Merkhoher, M. W. 1994 Risk Assessment Methods: Approaches for Assessing Health & Environmental Risks. Plenum Publishing Co. Ltd. ISBN 0 306 44382 1.

Fusaro, P. C. 1994 Environmental Change: Oil Trading & Risk-Management Implications. International Research Center for Energy & Economic Development. ISBN 0 918714 44 3.

Maret, S. 1994 Environmental Health and Risk Assessment. Chicago Council of Planning Libraries. ISBN 0 866 02325 9.

Melchers, R. E. and Stewart, M. G. 1994 Probabilistic Risk & Hazard Assessment. Balkema (A. A.) Publishers, Netherlands. ISBN 90 5410 349 3.

Mertz, W., Abernathy, C. O. and Olin, S. S. 1994 Risk Assessment of Existing Substances - Guidance produced by UK Government/Industry Working Group. ILSI Press.

Mertz, W., Abernathy, C. O. and Olin, S. S. 1994 Risk Assessment of Essential Elements. ILSI Press.

Orig, P. B. 1994 Workshop Report on EPA Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment: Use of Human Evidence. DIANE Publishing Company. ISBN 0 7881 0627 9

Regulatory Impact Analysis Project Inc. Staff 1994 Choices in Risk Assessment, The Role of Science Policy in the Environmental Risk Management Process. Regulatory Impact Analysis Project, Incorporated. ISBN 0 9643747 1 4.

UK Health and Safety Executive 1994 Risk Assessment of Notified New Substances. HMSO. ISBN 0 7176 0758 5.

UK Health and Safety Executive 1994 Further Development of an Audit Technique for the Evaluation and Management of Risk. HMSO. ISBN 0 717 60881 6.

US National Research Council 1994 Science and Judgment in Risk Assessment. National Academy Press. ISBN 0 30 9048 94 X.

Wang, R. 1994 Water Contamination & Health Integration of Exposure Assessment, Toxicology, & Risk Assessment. Dekker (Marcel) Inc., US. ISBN 0 8247 8922 9.


Environmental Epidemiology & Risk Assessment. Van Nostrand Reinhold. ISBN 0 442 00885 6.

Department of Environment 1993 Risk Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Nordic Council of Ministers, Denmark. ISBN 92 9120 075 1.

Hallenbeck, W. H. 1993 Quantitative Risk Assessment for Environmental and Occupational Health. Lewis. ISBN 0 87371 801 1.

HSE Staff 1993 Development of a Model to Incorporate Management & Organizational Influences in Quantified Risk Assessment. HSE Books. ISBN 0 7176 0633 3.

National Research Council Staff 1993 Issues in Risk Assessment. National Academy Press. ISBN 0 309 04786 2.

UK Government/Industry Working Group 1993 Risk Assessment of Existing Substances - Guidance produced by UK Government/Industry Working Group. Department of the Environment.


1992 Risk Analysis: A Guide to Principles & Methods for Analyzing Health & Environmental Risks. Gordon Press Publishers. ISBN 0 8490 5572 5.

Royal Society of Chemistry 1992 Risk Management of Chemicals. Royal Society of Chemistry. ISBN 085186 467 8.

Ansell, J. and Wharton, F. 1992 Risk: Analysis, Assessment, & Management. Wiley-Liss Inc., US. ISBN 0 471 93464 X.

Baram 1992 Managing Chemical Risks: Corporate Response to Sara Title III. Lewis Publishers, US. ISBN 0 87371 725 2.

Flamm, J. and Luisi, T. 1992 Reliability Data Collection & Analysis. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0 7923 1591 X.

The Royal Society 1992 Risk Analysis, Perception and Management. The Royal Society. ISBN 0 85403 467 6.


Garrick, B. J. and Gekler, W. C. 1991 The Analysis, Communication, & Perception of Risk. Plenum Publishing Co. Ltd. ISBN 0 306 43833 X.

Mayo, D. G. and Hollander, R. D. 1991 Acceptable Evidence: Science & Values in Risk Management. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0 19 506372 4.

Yoshimura, T., Tsuchiya, K., Lee, Si D., Grant, L. D. and Mehlman, M. A. 1991 Proceedings of the IX UOEH International Symposium & the First Pan Pacific Cooperative Symposium: Industrialization & Emerging Environmental Health Issues: Risk Assessment & Risk Management. Princeton Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated. ISBN 0 911131 25 6.


Bogen, K. T. 1990 Uncertainty in Environmental Health Risk Assessment. Garland Publishing, Incorporated. ISBN 0 8240 0407 8.


Clarke, L. 1989 Acceptable Risk?: Making Decisions in a Toxic Environment. University of California Press. ISBN 0 520 06303 1.Cohrrsen, J. 1989 Risk Analysis: A Guide to Principles & Methods for Analyzing Health & Environmental Risks. National Technical Information Service, US Department of Commerce. ISBN 0 934213 20 8.

Colombari, V. 1989 Reliability Data Collection & Use in Risk & Availability Assessment. Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. ISBN 3 540 50834 1.

Mehlman, M. A. and Lutkenhuff, S. D. 1989 International Symposium on Chemical Mixtures: Risk Assessment & Risk Management. Princeton Scientific Publishing Company, Incorporated. ISBN 0 911131 98 1.

Pastenbach, D. J. 1989 The Risk Assessment of Environmental and Human Health Hazards - A Textbook of Case Studies. Wiley-Interscience. ISBN 0 471 84998 7.


Dietz, T. and Rycroft, R. 1988 The Risk Professionals. Russell Sage Foundation. ISBN 0 87154 214 5.

EPA Staff 1988 Risk Assessment Guidelines & Information Directory. Government Institutes, Incorporated. ISBN 0 86587 755 6.

Richardson, M. L. 1988 Risk Assessment of Chemicals in the Environment. Royal Society of Chemistry. ISBN 0 85186 118 0.


Almeder, R. and Humber J. 1987 Quantitative Risk Assessment. Humana Press Inc., US. ISBN 0 89603 056 3.

Lave, L. B. 1987 Risk Assessment & Management. Plenum Publishing Corporation. ISBN 0 306 42683 8.

Lave, L. B. and Covello, V. T. 1987 Uncertainty in Risk Assessment, Risk Management & Decision Making. Plenum Publishing Corporation. ISBN 0 306 42557 2.


Covello, V. T., Menkes, J. and Mumpower, J. 1986 Risk Evaluation & Management. Plenum Publishing Corporation. ISBN 0 306 41978 5.

Hallenbeck, B. 1986 Quantitative Risk Assessment for Environmental & Occupational Health. Lewis Publishers, US. ISBN 0 87371 055 X.

Wingender, H-J. 1986 Reliability Data Collection & Use in Risk & Availability Assessment. Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co. ISBN 3 540 16365 4.


Conservation Foundation Staff 1985 Risk Assessment & Risk Control. World Wildlife Fund. ISBN 0 89164 091 6.

IIT Staff 1985 Risk-Benefit Analysis in Decisions Concerning Public Safety & Health. Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. ISBN 0 8403 3600 4.

Ricci and Rowe 1985 Health & Environmental Risk Assessment. Pergamon Press. ISBN 0 08 031579 8.


Ricci, P. F., Sagan, L. A. and Whipple, C. 1984 Technological Risk Assessment. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 90 247 2961 0.


National Research Council 1983 Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process Working Papers. National Academy Press, US. ISBN 0 309 03349 7.


WHO 1982 Rapid Risk Assessment of Sources of Air, Water and Land Pollution. WHO.


Schwing, R. C. and Albers, W. A. 1980 Societal Risk Assessment: How Safe Is Safe Enough? Plenum Publishing Corporation. ISBN 0 306 40554 7.

Whyte, A. V. and Burton, I. 1980 Environmental Risk Assessment. John Wiley, Chichester.


Duck, B. W. 1973 Assessment of Exposure & Risk: Symposium Proceedings. Society of Occupational Medicine. ISBN 0 9503040 0 X.