IPCS Publications WHO/IPCS Publications are available from the following address: Distribution and Sales (DSA) Division of Publishing, Language, and Library Services World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 24 76 / 24 77; Fax: +41 22 791 48 57 For additional information on obtaining EHC Executive Summaries, please contact IPCS at: International Programme for Chemical Safety World Health Organization CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland Tel: +41 22 791 35 88 Fax: +41 22 791 48 48 Information on WHO publications are available at the WHO web site . 1. RISK ASSESSMENT OF PRIORITY CHEMICALS 1.1 EHC Documents: Executive Summaries (Contact IPCS to obtain copies of these documents) Executive Summaries have been prepared for: Environmental Health Criteria documents numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10-24, 26 and 35. 1.2 EHC Documents (Contact WHO Distribution and Sales to obtain copies of these documents) No. 1 | Mercury (1976) | No. 2 | Polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls (1976) | No. 3 | Lead (1977) | No. 4 | Oxides of nitrogen (1977) | No. 5 | Nitrates, nitrites and N-nitroso compounds (1978) | No. 7 | Photochemical oxidants (1978) | No. 8 | Sulfur oxides and suspended particulate matter (1979) | No. 9 | DDT and its derivatives (1979) | No. 10 | Carbon disulfide (1979) | No. 11 | Mycotoxins (1979) | No. 12 | Noise (1980) | No. 13 | Carbon monoxide (1979) | No. 14 | Ultraviolet radiation (1979) | No. 15 | Tin and organotin compounds (1980) | No. 16 | Radio frequency and microwaves (1981) | No. 17 | Manganese (1981) | No. 18 | Arsenic (1981) | No. 19 | Hydrogen sulfide (1981) | No. 20 | Selected petroleum products (1982) | No. 21 | Chlorine and hydrogen chloride (1982) | No. 22 | Ultrasound (1982) | No. 23 | Lasers and optical radiation (1982) | No. 24 | Titanium (1982) | No. 25 | Selected radionuclides (1983) | No. 26 | Styrene (1983) | No. 28 | Acrylonitrile (1983) | No. 29 | 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) (1984) | No. 31 | Tetrachloroethylene (1984) | No. 32 | Methylene chloride (1984) | No. 33 | Epichlorohydrin (1984) | No. 34 | Chlordane (1984) | No. 35 | Extremely low frequency (ELF) fields (1984) | No. 36 | Fluorine and fluorides (1984) | No. 37 | Aquatic (marine and freshwater) biotoxins (1984) | No. 38 | Heptachlor (1984) | No. 39 | Paraquat and diquat (1984) | No. 40 | Endosulfan (1984) | No. 41 | Quintozene (1984) | No. 42 | Tecnazene (1984) | No. 43 | Chlordecone (1984) | No. 44 | Mirex (1984) | No. 45 | Camphechlor (1984) | No. 48 | Dimethyl sulfate (1985) | No. 49 | Acrylamide (1985) | No. 50 | Trichloroethylene (1985) | No. 52 | Toluene(1986) | No. 53 | Asbestos and other natural mineral fibres (1986) | No. 54 | Ammonia (1986) | No. 55 | Ethylene oxide (1985) | No. 56 | Propylene oxide (1985) | No. 58 | Selenium (1986) | No. 61 | Chromium (1988) | No. 62 | 1,2-Dichloroethane (1987) | No. 63 | Organophosphorus insecticides: A general introduction (1986) | No. 64 | Carbamate pesticides: A general introduction (1986) | No. 65 | Butanols - Four isomers (1987) | No. 66 | Kelevan (1986) | No. 67 | Tetradifon (1986) | No. 68 | Hydrazine (1987) | No. 69 | Magnetic fields (1987) | No. 71 | Pentachlorophenol (1987) | No. 73 | Phosphine and metal phosphides (1988) | No. 74 | Diaminotoluenes (1987) | No. 75 | Toluene diisocyanates (1987) | No. 76 | Thiocarbamate pesticides: A general introduction (1988) | No. 77 | Man-made mineral fibres (1988) | No. 78 | Dithiocarbamate pesticides, ethylenethiourea and propylenethiourea: A general introduction (1988) | No. 79 | Dichlorvos (1988) | No. 80 | Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (1988) | No. 81 | Vanadium (1988) | No. 82 | Cypermethrin (1989) | No. 83 | DDT - Environmental aspects (1989) | No. 84 | 2,4-D - Environmental aspects (1989) | No. 85 | Lead - Environmental aspects (1989) | No. 86 | Mercury - Environmental aspects (1989) | No. 87 | Allethrins (1989) | No. 88 | PCDDs and PCDFs (TCDD; dioxins and dibenzofurans) (1989) | No. 89 | Formaldehyde (1989) | No. 90 | Dimethoate (1989) | No. 91 | Aldrin and dieldrin (1989) | No. 92 | Resmethrins (1989) | No. 93 | Chlorophenols other than pentachlorophenol (1989) | No. 94 | Permethrin (1990) | No. 95 | Fenvalerate (1990) | No. 96 | d-Phenothrin (1990) | No. 97 | Deltamethrin (1990) | No. 98 | Tetramethrin (1990) | No. 99 | Cyhalothrin (1990) | No. 100 | Vinylidene chloride (1990) | No. 101 | Methylmercury (1990) | No. 102 | 1-Propanol (1990) | No. 103 | 2-Propanol (1990) | No. 105 | Selected mycotoxins: Ochratoxins, trichothecenes, ergot (1990) | No. 106 | Beryllium (1990) | No. 107 | Barium (1990) | No. 108 | Nickel (1991) | No. 110 | Tricresylphosphate (1990) | No. 111 | Triphenylphosphates (1991) | No. 112 | Tributylphosphates (1991) | No. 113 | Fully halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (1990) | No. 114 | Dimethylformamide (1991) | No. 115 | 2-Methoxyethanol, 2-ethoxyethanol and their acetates (1990) | No. 116 | Tributyltin compounds (1990) | No. 117 | Methyl isobutyl ketone (1990) | No. 118 | Inorganic mercury (1991) | No. 120 | Hexachlorocyclopentadiene (1991) | No. 121 | Aldicarb (1991) | No. 122 | n-Hexane (1991) | No. 123 | alpha- and beta-Hexachlorocyclohexanes (1992) | No. 124 | Lindane (1991) | No. 125 | Platinum (1991) | No. 126 | Partially halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (Methane derivatives) (1991) | No. 127 | Acrolein (1992) | No. 128 | Chlorobenzene other than hexachlorobenzene (1991) | No. 129 | Isobenzan (1992) | No. 130 | Endrin (1992) | No. 131 | Diethylhexylphthalate (1992) | No. 132 | Trichlorfon (1992) | No. 133 | Fenitrothion (1992) | No. 134 | Cadmium (1992) | No. 135 | Cadmium - Environmental aspects (1992) | No. 136 | 1,1,1-Trichloroethane (1992) | No. 137 | Electromagnetic fields (1992) | No. 138 | 2-Nitropropane (1992) | No. 139 | Partially halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (Ethane derivatives) (1992) | No. 140 | Polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated terphenyls (PCBs and PCTs) (2nd Ed.) (1993) | No. 142 | Alpha-cypermethrin (1992) | No. 143 | Methyl ethyl ketone (1993) | No. 145 | Methyl parathion (1993) | No. 146 | Dichloropropene, dichloropropane, and DD (1993) | No. 147 | Propachlor (1993) | No. 148 | Benomyl (1993) | No. 149 | Carbendazim (1993) | No. 150 | Benzene (1993) | No. 151 | Synthetic organic fibres (1993) | No. 152 | Polybrominated biphenyls (1994) | No. 153 | Carbaryl (1994) | No. 154 | Acetonitrile (1994) | No. 155 | Biomarkers and Risk Assessment: Concepts and Principles | No. 156 | Hexachlorobutadiene (1994) | No. 157 | Hydroquinone (1994) | No. 158 | Amitrole (1994) | No. 159 | Glyphosate (1994) | No. 160 | Ultraviolet radiations (1994) | No. 161 | Phenol (1994) | No. 162 | Brominated diphenyl ethers (1994) | No. 163 | Chloroform (1994) | No. 165 | Inorganic lead (1995) | No. 166 | Methyl bromide (Bromomethane) (1995) | No. 167 | Acetaldehyde (1995) | No. 168 | Cresols (1995) | No. 172 | Tetrabromobisphenol A and derivatives (1995) | No. 173 | Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate and bis(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate (1995) | No. 174 | Isophorone (1995) | No. 175 | Anticoagulant rodenticides (1995) | No. 176 | 1,2-Dichloroethane (2nd Ed.) (1995) | 1.3 International Chemical Safety Cards Ten series of 70-80 Cards each have been published so far. To obtain Chemical Safety Cards please contact: Office for Official Publications of the European Commission L-2985 LuxembourgFax: +352 48 85 73 / 48 68 17 1.4 Development of Methodology for Health Risk Assessment (Contact WHO Distribution and Sales to obtain copies of these documents) Principles and methods for evaluating the toxicity of chemicals, Part I. Environmental Health Criteria No. 6 (1978) | Guidelines on studies in environmental epidemiology. Environmental Health Criteria No. 27 (1983) | Principles for evaluating health risks to progeny associated with exposure to chemicals during pregnancy. Environmental Health Criteria No. 30 (1984) | Guidelines for the study of genetic effects in human populations. Environmental Health Criteria No. 46 (1984) | Summary report on the evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogens (Collaborative study of in vivo tests). Environmental Health Criteria No. 47 (1985) | Guide to short-term tests for detecting mutagenic and carcinogenic chemicals (ICPEMC). Environmental Health Criteria No. 51 (1985) | Principles of toxicokinetic studies. Environmental Health Criteria No. 57 (1986) | Principles for evaluating health risks from chemicals during infancy and childhood: The need for a special approach. Environmental Health Criteria No. 59 (1986) | Principles and methods for the assessment of neurotoxicity associated with exposure to chemicals. Environmental Health Criteria No. 60 (1986) | Principles for the safety assessment of food additives and contaminants in food. Environmental Health Criteria No. 70 (1987) | Principles of studies on diseases of suspected chemical etiology and their prevention. Environmental Health Criteria No. 72 (1987) | Principles for the Toxicological Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Food. Environmental Health Criteria No. 104 (1990) | Summary report on the evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogens (Collaborative study on in vivo tests). Environmental Health Criteria No. 109 (1990) | Principles and methods for the assessment of nephrotoxicity associated with exposure to chemicals. Environmental Health Criteria No. 119 (1991) | Quality management for chemical safety testing. Environmental Health Criteria No. 141 (1992) | Principles for evaluating chemical effects on the aged population. Environmental Health Criteria No. 144 (1993) | Biomarkers and risk assessment: Concepts and Principles. Environmental Health Criteria No. 155 (1993) | Assessing human health risks of chemicals: Derivation of guidance values for health-based exposure limits. Environmental Health Criteria No. 170 (1994) | 1.5 Other Publications on Activities Undertaken or Supported by IPCS (Contact the sources listed to obtain copies of these documents) Development and possible use of immunological techniques to detect individual exposure to chemicals (in collaboration with IARC). IARC Internal Technical Report No. 82/001 (1982) | Approaches to classifying chemical carcinogens according to mechanisms of action (in collaboration with CEC and IARC). IARC Internal Technical Report No. 83/001 (1983) | Methods for assessing the effects of chemicals on reproductive functions (in collaboration with the Scientific Group on Methodologies for the Safety Evaluation of Chemicals -SGOMSEC). SCOPE 20/SGOMSEC, 1/IPCS Joint Symposia 1, John Wiley and Sons (1983) | Methallothionein and cadmium nephrotoxicity. Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 54, IPCS Joint Symposia 4 (1984) | Monitoring human exposure to carcinogenic and mutagenic agents. IARC Scientific Publications No. 59 - IPCS Joint Symposia 7 (1984) | Nickel in the human environment. IARC Scientific Publications No. 53 (1984) | Mutation, cancer and malformation. Environmental Science Research, Vol. 31, Plenum Press (1984) | Methods for estimating risks of chemical injury: Human and non-human biota and ecosystems (in collaboration with SGOMSEC). SCOPE 26/SGOMSEC 2/IPCS Joint Symposia 3, John Wiley and Sons (1985) | Evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogens. Report of the IPCS Collaborative Study of in vitro assays for genotoxicity. (Progress in Mutation Research, Vol. 5), Elsevier Science Publishers (1985) | Evaluation of methods for assessing human health hazards from drinking water (in collaboration with CEC, IARC, the Mission for Study and Research/French Ministry of Environment, and the National Institute for Water Supply, The Netherlands). IARC Internal Technical Report No. 86/001 (1986) | Hexachlorobenzene. Proceedings of an International Symposium held at IARC, Lyon, France, 24-28 June 1984 (in collaboration with IARC, CEC, US EPA and the US National Cancer Institute) IARC Scientific Publications No. 77 (1986) | Toxicologie clinique: Formation du personnel infirmier. Forum organized in Brussels, 5-7 November 1984 (in collaboration with the CEC and World Federation of Associations of Clinical Toxicology and Poison Control Centres) Cahiers de Toxicologie clinique et expérimentale, 1986, No. 3 | Long-term and short-term assays for carcinogens: A critical appraisal (in collaboration with IARC). IARC Scientific Publications No. 83 (1986) | Environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology. Proceedings of the Third International Course, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 6-13 September 1985 EURO Environmental Health Series No. 10 (1986) | The health effects of aromatic amines - A review (prepared by MARC, London, on behalf of IPCS). MARC Report No. 35 (1986) | Methods for the assessment of the toxicity evaluation of mixtures of chemicals (in collaboration with SGOMSEC). SGOMSEC 3/IPCS Joint Symposia 6, John Wiley and Sons (1987) | Immunotoxicology. Proceedings of the International Seminar on the Immunological System as a Target for Toxic Damage - Present Status, Open problems and Future Perspectives (in collaboration with CEC, US EPA, NIEHS and the International Society of Immunopharmacology). IPCS Joint Seminar 10, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (1987) | Indicators for assessing exposure and biological effects of genotoxic chemicals: Consensus and technical reports. Proceedings of an International Workshop on Indicators in Human Biological Materials for Assessing Exposure to and/or Biological Effects of Genotoxic Chemicals, Luxembourg, 6-9 July 1987 (in collaboration with the CEC, WHO/EURO, and the Institute of Occupational Health, Finland) EUR 11642 EN (1988) | Results of the survey of poison control centres and related toxicological services, 1984-1986 (in collaboration with the CEC and the World Federation of Associations of Clinical Toxicology and Poison Control Centres) Journal de Toxicologie clinique et experimentale: Toxicovigilance - Centre anti-poisons, September-October 1988, No. 5 | Major hazard control: A practical manual An ILO contribution to IPCS (1988) | Evaluation of short-term tests for carcinogens. Report of the IPCS Collaborative Study on in vivo assays - Volumes I and II, Cambridge University Press (1989) | Ecotoxicology and climate, with special reference to hot and cold climates, SCOPE 38/IPCS Joint Symposia 9, John Wiley and Sons (1989) | Methods for assessing and reducing injury from chemical accidents (in collaboration with SGOMSEC). SCOPE 40/SGOMSEC 6/IPCS Joint Symposia 11, John Wiley and Sons (1989) | Glossary of terms on chemical safety for use in IPCS publications (WHO/ICS/89.27) (1989) | Health significance and early detection of nephrotoxicity. Proceedings of the Joint CEC/IPCS/ Workshop held in Luxembourg, 26-29 April 1988 Toxicology Letters, Vol. 46, Issue No 1-3, IPCS Joint Symposia 12 (1989) | Information useful for the identification of hazards during the manufacture, storage, transport, use, and disposal of substances: An annotated checklist (WHO/PCS/90.41) (1990) | Predictive value of short-term tests for non-genotoxic effects (in collaboration with SGOMSEC). SGOMSEC 4/IPCS Joint Symposia 8, John Wiley and Sons (1990) | Immunotoxicity of metals and immunotoxicology. Proceedings of an international workshop held in Hanover, 6-10 November 1989, EUR 12764 EN, IPCS Joint Symposia 15, Plenum Press (1990) | Public health impact of pesticides used in agriculture WHO (1990) | Proceedings of the International Workshop on Kashin-Beck Diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases held in Beijing, 28 October-1 November 1985, WHO (1990) | Methods for assessing exposure of human and non-human biota (in collaboration with SGOMSEC). (SCOPE 46/SGOMSEC 5/IPCS Joint Symposia 13), John Wiley and Sons (1991) | Proceedings of the Joint ECETOC/IPCS Workshop on Early Indicators of Non-Genotoxic Carcinogenesis held in Brussels, 19-20 June 1990 Mutation Research, Vol. 248, special issue No. 2, IPCS Joint Symposia 14 (1991) | Safety and health in the use of agrochemicals: A guide An ILO contribution to IPCS (1991) | Prevention of major industrial accidents: An ILO code of practice. An ILO contribution to IPCS (1991) | Occupational exposure limits for airborne toxic substances, 3rd Ed. Occupational Safety and Health Series 37. An ILO contribution to IPCS (1991) | Proceedings of the African Workshop on Health Sector Management in Technological Disasters, Addis Ababa, 26-30 November 1990 (1991) | Methods for assessing exposure of human and non-human biota (in collaboration with SGOMSEC). (SCOPE 46/SGOMSEC 5/IPCS Joint Symposia 13), John Wiley and Sons (1991) | Mutagenicity of complex mixtures in Salmonella typhimurium. A report of the International Programme on Chemical Safety's collaborative study on complex mixtures Mutation Research, Vol. 276, Special issue, Nos 1/2 (1992) | Chemical safety. Training module No. 1: Fundamentals of applied toxicology - The nature of chemical hazards (WHO/PCS/92.3) (1992) | Final report of the Steering Group on naturally occurring toxins of plant origin, Carshalton, UK, 20-22 May 1992 (IPCS/International Life Sciences Institute, Europe) (WHO/PCS/92.69) (1992) | Mycotoxins and Balkan endemic nephropathy Food and Chemical Toxicology, Vol. 30, No. 3 (March 1992) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Brodifacoum (IPCS/INTOX/PIM.077) (1992) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Cyanides (IPCS/INTOX/PIM.159) (1992) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: N,N-Diethyltoluamide (IPCS/INTOX/PIM.170) (1992) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Thallium (IPCS/INTOX/PIM.525) (1992) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Pseudechis (Black snakes) (1993) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Notechis (Tiger snake) (1993) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Oxyuranus (Taipan) (1993) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Pseudonaja (Brown snake) (1993) | IPCS/INTOX Project - Poisons Information Monograph: Funnel Web Spiders (1993) | How to use the Health and Safety Guides. Pre-publication version, May 1993 (PEP/PCS/93.15) (1993) | Safety and health in the use of chemicals at work: A training manual. An ILO contribution to IPCS (1993) | Chemical safety. Metabolism and Toxicity: Collected lectures (WHO/PCS/93.41) (1993) | Report of the Informal Consultation on the Safety of Microbial Pest Control Agents, WHO, Geneva, 23-26 June 1993 (WHO/PCS/93.47) (1993) | Chemical safety matters, IPCS/International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Cambridge University Press (1993) | Health aspects of chemical accidents. Guidance on chemical accident awareness, preparedness and response for health professionals and emergency responders (OECD Environment Monograph No. 81 - UNEP IE/PAC Technical Report No. 19) (OCDE/GD (94)1) (1994) | The WHO recommended classification of pesticides by hazard and guidelines to classification 1994-1995 (WHO/PCS/94.2) (1994) | Multilevel course on the safe use of pesticides and on the diagnosis and treatment of pesticide poisoning (WHO/PCS/94.3) (1994) | Chemical safety: Training modules (ILO/IPCS) (1994) | Respiratory toxicology and risk assessment. Proceedings of an International Symposium (IPCS Joint Series 18) Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Stuttgart | Abstract book: Mycotoxins and toxic plant components - EC, WHO/IPCS, FAO and ILSI Europe Joint Workshop, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-15 October 1994 | Environmental monitoring for genotoxicity with plant systems Mutation Research, Vol. 310, No. 2, Special issue (1994) | Proceedings of the IPCS/UK DOH International Workshop on Environmental Immunotoxicology and Human Health, London, 22-25 March 1994 Human and Experimental Toxicology, Vol. 14, No. 1 (IPCS Joint Series 17) (1995) | Joint Meeting on Pesticides. Report of the 1995 meeting of the Core Assessment Group (WHO/PCS/95.7) (1995) | Summary of evaluations performed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), 1956-1993 (First through Forty-first meetings), WHO (1994) | Basic analytical toxicology, WHO (1995) | IPCS/INTOX package, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) (1995) | Methods to assess the effects of chemicals on ecosystems (in collaboration with SGOMSEC), SCOPE 53/SGOMSEC 10/IPCS Joint Activity 23, John Wiley and Sons (1995) | IPCS - Summary of toxicological evaluations performed by the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) through 1995 (WHO/PCS/95.50) | Allergic hypersensitivities induced by chemicals: Recommendations for prevention (WHO Regional Office for Europe/IPCS), CRC Press, Inc. (1996) | |