The EEA aims to deliver timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information to policy makers and the public – environmental indicators play a key role in this. This annex provides an overview of the 225 environmental indicators hosted by the EEA. Besides indicator names and codes, this overview also provides information on the role of the indicator within the DSPIR model and on the type of indicators following the EEA's indicator typology (see Chapter 3).

EEA indicators are accessible at:

Agriculture indicators:

2 indicators (including 2 CSI indicators)

Gross nutrient balance

Indicator code: CSI 25

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Area under organic farming

Indicator code: CSI 26

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Air pollution indicators

11 indicators (including 5 CSI indicators)

Emission of acidifying substances

Indicator code: CSI 01

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Emissions of ozone precursors

Indicator code: CSI 02

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Emissions of primary particulate matter and secondary particulate matter precurser

Indicator code: CSI 03

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Exceedance of air quality limit values in urban areas

Indicator code: CSI 4

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Exposure of ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone

Indicator code: CSI 5

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: B

Sulphur dioxide emissions

Indicator code: APE 01

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Nitrogen oxides emissions

Indicator code: APE 02

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Ammonia emissions

Indicator code: APE 03

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Non-methane volatile organic compounds emissions

Indicator code: APE 04

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Heavy metal emissions

Indicator code: APE 05

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Persistent organic pollutant emissions

Indicator code: APE 06

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Biodiversity indicators

27 indicators (including 3 CSI indicators)

Species of European interest

Indicator code: CSI 07

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Designated areas

Indicator code: CSI 08

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Species persity

Indicator code: CSI 09

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Abundance and distribution of selected species

Indicator code: SEBI 01

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Red List Index for European species

Indicator code: SEBI 02

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Ecosystem coverage

Indicator code: SEBI 04

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Habitats of European interest

Indicator code: SEBI 05

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Livestock genetic persity

Indicator code: SEBI 06

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Nationally designated protected areas

Indicator code: SEBI 07

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Sites designated under the EU Habitats and Birds Directives

Indicator code: SEBI 08

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Critical load exceedance for nitrogen

Indicator code: SEBI 09

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Invasive alien species in Europe

Indicator code: SEBI 10

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Impact of climate change on bird population

Indicator code: SEBI 11

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Marine trophic index of European seas

Indicator code: SEBI 12

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Fragmentation of natural and semi-natural areas

Indicator code: SEBI 13

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters

Indicator code: SEBI 15

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Freshwater quality

Indicator code: SEBI 16

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Forest: growing stock, increment and fellings

Indicator code: SEBI 17

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Forest: deadwood

Indicator code: SEBI 18

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Agriculture: nitrogen balance

Indicator code: SEBI 19

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Agriculture: area under management practices potentially supporting biopersity

Indicator code: SEBI 20

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Fisheries: European commercial fish stocks

Indicator code: SEBI 21

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Aquaculture: effluent water quality from finfish farms

Indicator code: SEBI 22

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Ecological Footprint of European countries

Indicator code: SEBI 23

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Patent applications based on genetic resources

Indicator code: SEBI 24

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Financing biopersity management

Indicator code: SEBI025

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Public awareness

Indicator code: SEBI 26

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Climate change indicators

45 indicators (including 5 CSI indicators)

Production and consumption of ozone depleting substances

Indicator code: CSI 06

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Indicator code: CSI 10

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Greenhouse gas emission projections

Indicator code: CSI 11

Indicator focus:P

Indicator type: A

Global and European temperature

Indicator code: CSI 12

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: B

Atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations

Indicator code: CSI 13

Indicator focus:S

Indicator type: A

European precipitation

Indicator code: CLIM 02

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Precipitation extremes in Europe

Indicator code: CLIM 04

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Storm and storm surges in Europe

Indicator code: CLIM 05

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Air pollution by ozone

Indicator code: CLIM 06

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A


Indicator code: CLIM 07

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Snow cover

Indicator code: CLIM 08

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Greenland ice sheet

Indicator code: CLIM 09

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Arctic sea ice

Indicator code: CLIM 10

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Mountain permafrost

Indicator code: CLIM 11

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Sea level rise

Indicator code: CLIM 12

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Sea surface temperature

Indicator code: CLIM 13

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Marine phenology

Indicator code: CLIM 14

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Northward movement of marine species

Indicator code: CLIM 15

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

River flow

Indicator code: CLIM 16

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

River floods

Indicator code: CLIM 17

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

River flow drought

Indicator code: CLIM 18

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Water temperature

Indicator code: CLIM 19

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Lake and river ice cover

Indicator code: CLIM 20

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Freshwater biopersity and water quality

Indicator code: CLIM 21

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Distribution of plant species

Indicator code: CLIM 22

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Plant phenology

Indicator code: CLIM 23

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Distribution of animal species

Indicator code: CLIM 24

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Animal phenology

Indicator code: CLIM 25

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Species-ecosystem relationship

Indicator code: CLIM 26

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Soil organic carbon

Indicator code: CLIM 27

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type:A

Soil erosion by water

Indicator code: CLIM 28

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Water retention

Indicator code: CLIM 29

Indicator focus: I A

Glowing season for agricultural crops (agrophenology)

Indicator code: CLIM 30

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Timing of the cycle of agricultural crops (agrophenology)

Indicator code: CLIM 31

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Crop-yield variability

Indicator code: CLIM 32

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Water requirement

Indicator code: CLIM 33

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Forest growth

Indicator code: CLIM 34

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Forest fire danger

Indicator code: CLIM 35

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Heat and health

Indicator code: CLIM 36

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Vector-borne disease

Indicator code: CLIM 37

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Water and food-borne diseases

Indicator code: CLIM 38

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type:  A

Direct losses from weather disasters

Indicator code: CLIM 39

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Normalised losses from river flood disasters

Indicator code: CLIM 40

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Coastal areas

Indicator code: CLIM 41

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Agriculture and forestry

Indicator code: CLIM 42

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Energy indicators

29 indicators (including 5 CSI indicators)

Final energy consumption by sector

Indicator code: CSI 27

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Total primary energy intensity

Indicator code: CSI 28

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: B

Primary energy consumption by fuel

Indicator code: CSI 29

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Renewable primary energy consumption

Indicator code: CSI 30

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: B

Renewable electricity consumption

Indicator code: CSI 31

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: B

Indicator code: ENER 01

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Indicator code: ENER 05

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Indicator code: ENER 06

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Indicator code: ENER 07

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Emission intensity of public conventional thermal power electricity and heat production

Indicator code: ENER 08

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: C

Emissions from public electricity and heat production

Indicator code: ENER 09

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: C

Residues from combustion of coal for energy production

Indicator code: ENER 10

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Energy efficiency in transformation

Indicator code: ENER 11

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: C

Net energy import dependency

Indicator code: ENER 12

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: C

Nuclear energy and waste production

Indicator code: ENER 13

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Discharge of oil from refineries and offshore installations

Indicator code: ENER 14

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Accidental oil spills from marine shipping

Indicator code: ENER 15

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Final electricity consumption by sector

Indicator code: ENER 18

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Efficiency of conventional thermal electricity generation

Indicator code: ENER 19

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: C

Combined heat and power

Indicator code: ENER 20

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: C

Final energy consumption intensity

Indicator code: ENER 21

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Energy efficiency and energy consumption in the household sector

Indicator code: ENER 22

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: C

Energy efficiency and energy consumption in the transport sector

Indicator code: ENER 23

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: C

Energy intensity in the service sector

Indicator code: ENER 24

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: C

Energy efficiency and energy consumption in industry

Indicator code: ENER 25

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: C

Electricity production by fuel

Indicator code: ENER 27

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Renewable gross final energy consumption

Indicator code: ENER 28

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: C

Energy taxes

Indicator code: ENER 32

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

External costs of electricity production

Indicator code: ENER 35

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: D

Transport indicators

38 indicators (including 3 CSI indicators)

Passenger transport demand

Indicator code: CSI 35

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Freight transport demand

Indicator code: CSI 36

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Use of cleaner and alternative fuels

Indicator code: CSI 37

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: D

Transport final energy consumption by mode

Indicator code: TERM 01

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Transport emissions of greenhouse gases

Indicator code: TERM 02

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Transport emissions of air pollutants

Indicator code: TERM 03

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Exceedances of air quality objectives due to traffic

Indicator code: TERM 04

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Traffic noise: exposure and annoyance

Indicator code: TERM 05

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Fragmentation of ecosystems and habitats by transport infrastructure

Indicator code: TERM 06

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Proximity of transport infrastructures to designated areas

Indicator code: TERM 07

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Land take by transport infrastructure

Indicator code: TERM 08

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Transport accident fatalities

Indicator code: TERM 09

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Accidental and illegal discharges of oil by ships at sea

Indicator code: TERM 10

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Waste from road vehicles

Indicator code: TERM 11

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Urban spatial characteristics and transport

Indicator code: TERM 14

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Accessibility to basic services and markets by transport mode

Indicator code: TERM 15

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Access to transport services

Indicator code: TERM 16

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Capacity of infrastructure networks

Indicator code: TERM 18

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Transport infrastructure investments

Indicator code: TERM 19

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type:  A

Real change in transport prices by mode

Indicator code: TERM 20

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Fuel prices

Indicator code: TERM 21

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Transport taxes and charges

Indicator code: TERM 22

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type:  A

Transport subsidies

Indicator code: TERM 23

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Expenditures on personal mobility

Indicator code: TERM 24

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

External costs and charges per vehicle type

Indicator code: TERM 25

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Internalisation of external costs

Indicator code: TERM 26

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: D

Energy efficiency and specific CO2 emissions

Indicator code: TERM 27

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Specific air pollutant emissions

Indicator code: TERM 28

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Occupancy rates of passenger vehicles

Indicator code: TERM 29

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Load factors for freight transport

Indicator code: TERM 30

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Size of the vehicle fleet

Indicator code: TERM 32

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: C

Average age of the vehicle fleet

Indicator code: TERM 33

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Proportion of vehicle fleet meeting certain emission standards

Indicator code: TERM 34

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Integrated transport and environment strategies in the EU

Indicator code: TERM 35

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Institutional cooperation on transport and environment

Indicator code: TERM 36

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

National transport and environment monitoring systems

Indicator code: TERM 37

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Uptake of strategic environmental assessment in the transport sector

Indicator code: TERM 38

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Public awareness and behaviour

Indicator code: TERM 40

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Waste indicators

2 indicators (including 2 CSI indicators)

Municipal waste generation

Indicator code: CSI 16

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Generation and recycling of packaging waste

Indicator code: CSI 17

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Water indicators

15 indicators (including 7 CSI indicators)

Use of freshwater resources

Indicator code: CSI 18

Indicator focus: P/S

Indicator type: A

Oxygen consuming substances in rivers

Indicator code: CSI 19

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Nutrients in freshwater

Indicator code: CSI 20

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters

Indicator code: CSI 21

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Bathing water quality

Indicator code: CSI 22

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: B

Chlorophyll in transitional, coastal and marine waters

Indicator code: CSI 23

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Urban wastewater treatment

Indicator code: CSI 24

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

National river classification schemes

Indicator code: WEC 04

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Biological quality of lakes

Indicator code: WEC 05

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Emissions of organic matter

Indicator code: WEU 08

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Emissions of nitrogen and phosphorus from UWWT plants

Indicator code: WEU 09

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Pesticides in groundwater

Indicator code: WHS 01

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Hazardous substances in rivers

Indicator code: WHS 02

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Hazardous substances in lakes

Indicator code: WHS 03

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Loads of hazardous substances to coastal waters

Indicator code: WHS 07

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Others indicators (Fisheries)

3 indicators (including 3 CSI indicators)

Status of marine fish stocks

Indicator code: CSI 32

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Aquaculture production

Indicator code: CSI 33

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Fishing fleet capacity

Indicator code: CSI 34

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Other indicators (Land and Soil)

2 indicators (including 2 CSI indicators)

Land take

Indicator code: CSI 14

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Progress in management of contaminated sites

Indicator code: CSI 15

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Other indicators (Tourism)

7 indicators

Tourism travel by transport mode

 Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Tourism contribution to GDP

Indicator code: YIR01TO05

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Tourism expenditures of private households

Indicator code: YIR01TO07

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Tourism arrivals

Indicator code: YIR01TO08

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Overnight stays

Indicator code: YIR01TO09

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Tourism intensity

Indicator code: YIR01TO10

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Penetration of tourist eco-labels

Indicator code: YIR01TO12

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Environmental scenarios indicators

44 indicators

Emissions of acidifying substances — outlook from LRTAP

Indicator code: Outlook 02

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Emissions of ozone precursors — outlook from LRTAP

Indicator code: Outlook 03

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Change in species diversity as a result of climate change — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 04

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: A

Municipal waste generation — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 05

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Emissions of ozone precursors — outlook from WBCSD

Indicator code: Outlook 06

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Emissions of primary particulates — outlook from LRTAP

Indicator code: Outlook 07

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

GHG emissions — outlook from MNP

Indicator code: Outlook 08

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Land cover, use of arable land — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 09

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Total fertilizer consumption — outlook from FAO

Indicator code: Outlook 10

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Final energy consumption — outlook from IEA

Indicator code: Outlook 11

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Municipal waste generation — outlook from OECD

Indicator code: Outlook 13

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Use of freshwater resources — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 14

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Passenger transport demand — outlook from WBCSD

Indicator code: Outlook 17

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Emissions of acidifying substances — outlook from WBCSD

Indicator code: Outlook 18

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

GHG concentrations — outlook from MNP

Indicator code: Outlook 19

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: A

Gross nutrient balance — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 20

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Global and European temperature

Indicator code: Outlook 21

Indicator focus: S

Indicator type: B

Fertilizer consumption — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 23

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Emissions of primary particulates — outlook from WBCSD

Indicator code: Outlook 24

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Projections of GHG emissions — outlook from National Communications under UNFCCC

Indicator code: Outlook 25

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Passenger transport demand — outlook from OECD

Indicator code: Outlook 26

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Freight transport demand — outlook from WBCSD

Indicator code: Outlook 27

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Total electricity consumption — outlook from IEA

Indicator code: Outlook 28

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Total energy consumption — outlook from IEA

Indicator code: Outlook 30

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

GHG emissions — outlook from IIASA

Indicator code: Outlook 31

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

GHG emissions — outlook from WBCSD

Indicator code: Outlook 32

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Generation and recycling of packaging waste — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 35

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

GHG emissions — outlook from IEA

Indicator code: Outlook 36

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Freight transport demand — outlook from OECD

Indicator code: Outlook 37

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Renewable energy consumption — outlook from IEA

Indicator code: Outlook 39

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: B

GDP — outlook from OECD

Indicator code: Outlook 41

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Total population — outlook from UNSTAT

Indicator code: Outlook 42

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Tourist arrivals — outlook from WTO model

Indicator code: Outlook 43

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Land cover distribution and change — outlook from MNP

Indicator code: Outlook 46

Indicator focus: I

Indicator type: B

Urban wastewater treatment — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 47

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: A

Final energy consumption — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 48

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: A

Total energy intensity — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 49

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: A

Total energy consumption — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 50

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Total electricity consumption — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 51

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Renewable energy consumption — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 52

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: B

Renewable electricity — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 53

Indicator focus: R

Indicator type: B

Passenger transport demand — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 54

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Freight transport demand — outlook from EEA

Indicator code: Outlook 55

Indicator focus: P

Indicator type: B

Car ownership — outlook from WBCSD

Indicator code: Outlook 56

Indicator focus: D

Indicator type: B