Annex I

Observed exceedances of ozone threshold values and annual statistics in 1995 at individual monitoring stations reporting in the framework of the Council Directive 92/72/EEC on air pollution by ozone

Information on ozone exceedances and concentrations for the individual stations reporting in the framework of the Ozone Directive is available in computer readable form only. A Microsoft Excel-file containing the following tables is available:

Table I.1: Number of days on which exceedances of threshold values (180 µg/m3 and 200 µg/m3 for hourly values; 110 µg/m3 for 8-hourly values and 65 µg/m3 for daily values) have been observed at reporting monitoring stations, period 1 January - 31 December 1995.

Table I.2: The longest period of consecutive days on which exceedances of threshold values have been observed at reporting monitoring stations, period 1 January - 31 December 1995.

Table I.3: Average length (in days) of periods of consecutive days on which exceedances of threshold values have been observed at reporting monitoring stations, period 1 January - 31 December 1995.

Table I.4: Annual statistics (percentiles and maximum values) of hourly and moving eight hourly ozone concentrations for reporting monitoring stations; all concentrations in µg/m3; period: 1 January - 31 December 1995.

Table I.5: Annual statistics (averaged, 50-, 95- and 98- percentile values) of hourly NOx concentrations for reporting monitoring stations; all concentrations in µg/m3; period: 1 January - 31 December 1995.

Table I.6: Annual statistics (averaged, 50-, 95- and 98- percentile values) of hourly NO2 concentrations for reporting monitoring stations; all concentrations in µg/m3; period: 1 January - 31 December 1995.

Notes to the Tables

Table I.1

Exceedances of the threshold value of 360 µg/m3 for hourly values has been observed at one station:

Country Stationname & City Date, time Max conc (µg/m3)
Portugal Coimbra 26 April 1995, 4.00 365

In Table I.1 it is also indicated when no exceedance of (one or more) threshold values has been observed at the station. This information has not been submitted by the Member States and is inferred from the available data. In cases where the information was insufficient for an unambiguous answer a "?" is printed.

Explanations of headings of Table I.1:

codcou country code
staname name of monitoring station
incod code number of monitoring station
ville city where station is located
180 (1) number of days on which the 180 µg/m3 threshold values for 1h average concentrations has been exceeded
200 (1) number of days on which the 200 µg/m3 threshold values for 1h average concentrations has been exceeded
110 (8a) number of days on which the 110 µg/m3 threshold values for the non-overlapping 8 hourly values between 0.00-8.00, 8.00-16.00 and 16.00 and 24.00 has been exceeded
110 (8b) number of days on which the 110 µg/m3 threshold values for the 8 hourly values between 12.00-20.00 has been exceeded
65 (24 ) number of days on which the 65 µg/m3 threshold values for the 24 hourly values has been exceeded
% 1h val percentage of valid 1h averaged values

Table I.2:

Explanations of headings of Table I.2:

codcou country code
staname name of monitoring station
incod code number of monitoring station
ville city where station is located
180 (1) longest period (in days) during which the 180 µg/m3 threshold values for 1h average concentrations has been exceeded
200 (1) longest period (in days) during which the 200 µg/m3 threshold values for 1h average concentrations has been exceeded
110 (8a) longest period (in days) during which the 110 µg/m3 threshold values for the non-overlapping 8 hourly values between 0.00-8.00, 8.00-16.00 and 16.00 and 24.00 has been exceeded
110 (8b) longest period (in days) during which the 110 µg/m3 threshold values for the 8 hourly values between 12.00-20.00 has been exceeded
65 (24 ) longest period (in days) during which the 65 µg/m3 threshold values for the 24 hourly values has been exceeded
% 1h val percentage of valid 1h average values

Table I.3

Explanations of headings of Table I.3:

codcou country code
staname name of monitoring station
incod code number of monitoring station
ville city where station is located
180 (1) average length of period (in days) during which the 180 µg/m3 threshold values for 1h average concentrations has been exceeded
200 (1) average length of period (in days) during which the 200 µg/m3 threshold values for 1h average concentrations has been exceeded
110 (8a) average length of period during (in days) which the 110 µg/m3 threshold values for the non-overlapping 8 hourly values between 0.00- 8.00, 8.00-16.00 and 16.00 and 24.00 has been exceeded
110 (8b) average length of period (in days) during which the 110 µg/m3 threshold values for the 8 hourly values between 12.00-20.00 has been exceeded
65 (24 ) average length of period (in days) during which the 65 µg/m3 threshold values for the 24 hourly values has been exceeded
% 1h val percentage of valid 1h average values

Table I.4

Explanations of headings of Table I.4

codcou country code
staname name of monitoring station
incod code number of monitoring station
ville city where station is located
1h P50 50 percentile of hourly values (µg/m3)
1h P98 98 percentile of hourly values (µg/m3)
1h P99.9 99.9 percentile of hourly values (µg/m3) (additional information)
1h MAX maximum value of hourly value (µg/m3)
% 1h val percentage of valid 1h average values
8h P50 50 percentile of eight hourly values (µg/m3, calculated as a moving average)
8h P98 98 percentile of eight hourly values (µg/m3)
8h P99.9 99.9 percentile of eight hourly values (µg/m3, additional information)
8h MAX maximum value of eight hourly value (µg/m3)
% 8h val percentage of valid 8h average values (µg/m3)

Table I.5

Explanations of headings of Table I.5

codcou country code
staname name of monitoring station
incod code number of monitoring station
ville city where station is located
AVER yearly averaged NOx concentration (µg/m3)
PARP50 50-percentile of hourly NOx concentration (µg/m3)
PARP90 90-percentile of hourly NOx concentration (µg/m3)
PARP95 95-percentile of hourly NOx concentration (µg/m3)
% val percentage of valid 1h average values

Table I.6

Explanations of headings of Table I.6

codcou country code
staname name of monitoring station
incod code number of monitoring station
ville city where station is located
AVER yearly averaged NO2 concentration (µg/m3)
PARP50 50-percentile of hourly NO2 concentration (µg/m3)
PARP90 90-percentile of hourly NO2 concentration (µg/m3)
PARP95 95-percentile of hourly NO2 concentration (µg/m3)
% val percentage of valid 1h average values