Annex 2

Proposal for Selection Criteria for Metadata for the ETC/CDS metadatabase

Examples of how to use of the selection criteria path

Examples, environmental reports:

State of the Environment in Ireland, Irish Environmental Protection Agency, Feb 1996, ISBN No. 1-899965-25-4.

Following the selection criteria path:
It has international/European relevance.
It is not produced according to an EC regulation.
It is not requested by EEA/EIONET on any basis.
No other international body requests it.
It is an official national SoER
Score is 4.
It must be considered evident that GEMET indexing will occur.
It contains information also on resources with a high thematic and sectorial relevance.
Score is 4+1=5.

International Water Databases, Topic Report 16, 1966, ETC Inland Waters, ISBN 92-9167-051-0.

Following the selection criteria path:

It has international/European relevance.
It is not produced according to an EC regulation.
It is not requested by EEA/EIONET on a regular basis.
It is requested by EEA/EIONET* on a project basis.
Score is 4.
No other international body requests it.
It must be considered evident that the EEA itself will produce and maintain the metadata on the report as well as letting the metadata be in accordance with GEMET.
It contains information on ground waters and marine waters (high sectorial relevance)
Score 4+1 = 5.

Example, web-pages:, Air Emissions NMVOC, CH4, CO, CO2; Summaries

Following the selection criteria path:

It has international/European relevance.
It is produced according to an EC regulation.
Score is 5.
It is requested by EEA/EIONET* on a regular basis.
Score is already 5.
It is not requested by EEA/EIONET on a project basis.
Data requested by more than 3 other international bodies.
Score is already 5.
It is not yet fully clear who will maintain the metadata (EEA or ETC/AEM).
Score 5-2=3. - Deposition of Nitrogen and Sulphur on Sweden from selected countries 1995

Following the selection criteria path:

It has international/European relevance.
It is not produced according to an EC regulation.
It is not requested by EEA/EIONET on any basis.
There is no other international request.
Score is 0.

Examples, environmental data sets:

Data on discharge of Cadmium.

Following the selection criteria path:

It has international/European relevance.
It is produced according to an EC regulation, (83/513/EEG).
Score = 5.
It is not requested by EEA/EIONET on a regular basis.
It is not requested by EEA/EIONET on a project basis.
It is requested by HELCOM and OSPARCOM.
Score is already 5.
It is possible to obtain metadata, obtain quality information and to have metadata maintained and updated.
Metadata originates from issues with high thematic importance
Score is already 5.

Data on emissions of POP's (persistent organic pollutants)

Following the selection criteria path:

It has international/European relevance.
It is not produced according to an EC regulation.
It is requested by EEA/EIONET* (CORINAIR) on a regular basis.
Score is 5.
Data is required by CORINAIR, LRTAP, AMAP.
Score is already 5.
We will meet problems to obtain the metadata because of lack of specification of real data.
Score is 5-1=4.
Metadata production will not meet to high costs for their production.
Metadata will meet GEMET terms.
Metadata might not in all cases be referenced to authoritative guidelines.
Score is 4-1=3.
Metadata will be maintained and updated.
It contains information on chemicals in the environment (high thematic and sectorial relevance)
Score is 3+1=4.

Check to ensure that the EIONET directory information for the data producer is recorded in the ETC/CDS metadatabase.