The European Topic Centre on Air Quality (ETC-AQ) was established by the European Environment Agency (EEA) at the end of 1994. The goal of the ETC-AQ is to support the EEA in all its tasks as far as air quality is involved.

A consortium of four institutes has been formed for the period 1995-1997:

  • National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands (lead organisation)
  • Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Kjeller, Norway
  • National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Athens, Greece supported by the University of Athens and the University of Thessaloniki
  • Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI), Oslo, Norway.

The project leader is Roel M. van Aalst (RIVM). The deputy project leader is Steinar Larssen (NILU).

The project leader is supported by a Steering Group consisting of the contact persons for the participating institutes, seconded by their deputies on ETC matters. The Steering Group had two meetings in 1996, in February and October, in which the planning and progress of the work and the plans for future work were discussed and agreed. Two plenary project meetings were held, in March in Oslo, and in October in Bilthoven, the Netherlands.

The work on each of the tasks, as defined in the work plan, was carried out by task teams composed of team members from different institutes, lead by a task leader who was responsible for the task and its deliverables.

The project leader communicated frequently (almost daily) with the EEA Project Manager, and regularly with other EEA staff and ETCs, particularly regarding air emissions.

The relatively simple organisational structure worked satisfactorily. Experience from the task teams and the plenary meetings indicated that, next to the contacts via mail, telephone and e-mail, personal and informal contacts are essential for effective work.

Information on the work programme, progress and products of the ETC-AQ in 1995 can be found in the Annual Summary Report 1995 (EEA Topic Report 22/1996). The current report presents a summary of the work carried out in 1996.