8.1. Subvention 1996 (Continuing until 31 March 1997)kECU

1. ETC Management and Co-ordination 40
2. Maintain and develop the air emissions aspects of EIONET 35
3. Ad hoc technical support to the Agency 30
4. Air Emission Inventories 1994 and 1995 185
5. Revised model for inventories and projections 55
6. Urban emissions inventories 35
7. Preparation for EEA assessment reports (Dobris 3+, SoER98) 55
Total 435

8.2.  Subvention 1997

The following outlines the main tasks to be performed by the ETC/AE under the 1997 subvention which is scheduled for the period from 1st April to 31st December 1997. As proposed in the AWP97, approx. 400 kECU ave been allocated to this subvention. The ETC is delivering major contributions to the EEA’s three year reporting and development of annual reporting by providing data and information and important products to DGXI and Member States.

The ETC/AE Management Committee (MC) has identified some objectives that have become a regular annual task and those that can most likely not be completed within the timescale. It is proposed to concentrate efforts on the following main tasks :

  1. ETC Management and Co-ordination.
  2. Maintain and develop the air emissions aspects of EIONET (including further ETC and NRC integration in networking supported by the IDA project).
  3. Ad hoc technical support to the Agency.
  4. Annual emissions inventories (CORINAIR) 1995 and 1996 and prepare for air emission projections.
  5. Develop CORINAIR model and software further. Implementation of the new software for air emissions inventories (based on agreed design) and develop and test software for air emission projections.
  6. Contribute to EEA assessment reports : Finalise Air Pollution Report and prepare for State of the Environment report 1998 (under additional funding).
  7. Support under EU legislation and policy development (report under CO2 Monitoring Mechanism, report under LCP Directive, development of PER/IPPC Directive, assist in Auto Oil II programme).
  8. Common tools for emissions and waste integrated inventories (project SG1) in co-operation with ETC/IW. Assist DGXI in development of PER (IPPC Directive), develop Guidance documents for estimation of emissions to water (e.g. as needed for the Water Framework Directive).