European Topic Centre

The Federal Environmental Agency (UBA Berlin) has been appointed by the European Environment Agency (EEA) as the lead organisation of the Topic Centre on Air Emissions (ETC/AE). The ETC/AE consists of a consortium of several European organisations. A Management Committee has been established which is chaired by Dr Dietmar Koch (UBA Berlin) and furthermore consists of Dr Simon Eggleston (AEA Technology) and Dr Tinus Pulles (TNO). The Management Committee manages the ETC and also provides scientific service and technical assistance to the ETC and the Agency.

Organisations represented in the Topic Centre are:

  • ENERO (European Network of Environmental Research Organisations) :

  • AEA Technology (Culham, UK)

  • ENEA (Roma, Italy)

  • RISØ (Roskilde, Denmark)

  • TNO (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands)

  • UBA Vienna (Austria)

  • CITEPA (Paris, France)

  • POSEIDON (Thessaloniki, Greece)

National Reference Centres for Air Emissions

There are a number of organisations throughout Europe who also contribute to the EEA’s work programme, the National Reference Centres. These are appointed and funded by the participating countries and are in charge of national co-operation with EEA and ETC to cover various topics, of which one is Air Emission Inventories. The NRCs are regular collectors and suppliers of environmental data and/or possess relevant knowledge regarding environmental science, monitoring and modelling.

The NRCs were appointed by the EEA countries in 1994/1995. In 1996 NRCs were also appointed by the PHARE countries, although this process is not completely finalised yet. Furthermore the ETC co-operates with several other countries, as indicated below.

EEA Member State National Reference Centre
Austria National Environment Agency
Belgium Cellule Interrégional de l’Environment
Denmark N E R I Dept. of Emissions and Air Pollution
Finland Suomen Ympäristökeskus
France Centre Interprofessionel Technique d’Etude de la Pollution Atmosphérique (CITEPA)
Germany Umweltbundesamt
Greece National Observatory of Athens
Iceland Environment and Food Agency - Air Pollution Dept.
Ireland Environmental Protection Agency
Italy ENEA - AMB/SAF/Cont Task Force
Liechtenstein Landesforstamt
Luxembourg Administration de l’Environment
Norway Norwegian Institute for Research (NILU)
Portugal Instituto de Meteorologica
Spain S.G. de Protección de M. Ambiente Atmosférico (MOPTMA)
Sweden Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
The Netherlands Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment
United Kingdom National Environmental Technology Centre/AEA Technology
Other Countries NRC or related institutes
Croatia Energy Research and Environmental Protection Institute
Malta Pollution Control Co-ordinating Unit
Russia Scientific Research, Institute of Atmospheric Air Protection
Switzerland *) Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald, Landschaft

*) by Memorandum, costs of including Swiss information in the pan-European reporting is covered by Switzerland

PHARE Countries NRC or related institutes
Albania Committee of Environmental Protection & Preservation
Bulgaria Ministry of Environment, National Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development
Czech Republic Hydrometeorological Institute
Estonia Environment Information Centre
Hungary Institute for Environmental Management
Latvia Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Environment State Inspectorate
Lithuania Ministry of Environment
Macedonia (Fyrom) Ministry of Environment, Urban and Building
Poland State Inspectorate for Environmental Protection
Romania ICIM, Research & Engineering Institue for Environment
Slovakia Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Slovenia Hydrometeorological Institute of Slovenia