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See all EU institutions and bodiesThe initial text was prepared by Mr Robin Odell (private consultant) and Dr Tim Lack (Project Leader of the European Topic Centre on Inland Waters), with funds supplied by UNEP. Individual contributions were made by: Ms Françoise Belmont, Deputy Director, United Nations Environment Programme, Regional Office for Europe; Dr Arthur J Askew, Chief, Water Resources Division, Hydrology and Water Resources Department, World Meteorological Office, Geneva; Dr Jamie Bartram, Manager, Water and Wastes, European Centre for Environment and Health, World Health Organization, Rome; Ms Jacqueline Aloisi de Larderel, (Director) and Ms. Garrette Clark, Industry and Environment Office, UNEP, Paris; Mr Walter Rast, Deputy Director, Water Branch, UNEP, Nairobi.
Overall editorial work was done by Mr David Gee and Dr Niels Thyssen (Project Managers of the European Environment Agency). The project was co-ordinated by Mr Ronald G Witt, (Regional Co-ordinator, UNEP/ DEIA/GRID, Geneva) and Dr David Stanners (Programme Manager, European Environment Agency).
Graphics were produced by Philippe Rekacewicz, (Geographer and Cartographic Designer) of UNEP-GRID Arendal, Norway.
Layout of paper version: HØILAND DESIGN, Copenhagen, Denmark.