5.1 Products/Outputs from the Work Programme

Report Title
P01/95 International requirements for monitoring surface and groundwaters
P02/95 Design of a freshwater monitoring network for the EEA area
P03/95 Review of monitoring databases within the European Environment Agency area
P04/95-6A. An analysis of the need for different types of monitoring stations, Surface Freshwater-Quality. UNINOVA / INAG Portugal.
P04/95-6B An analysis of the need for different types of monitoring stations, Surface Freshwater - Quantity. Institute of Hydrology, UK.
P04/95-6C An analysis of the need for different types of monitoring stations, Groundwater - Quality. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (DGGU).
P04/95-6D An analysis of the need for different types of monitoring stations, Groundwater - Quantity. Austrian Working Group on Water (AWW)
P04/95-7A Evaluate representativeness of existing monitoring networks. Surface Water - Quality. National Environmental Research Institute, Denmark
P04/95-7B Evaluate representativeness of existing monitoring networks. Surface Water - Quantity. LNEC/INAG. Portugal
P04/95-7C Evaluate representativeness of existing monitoring networks. Groundwater - Quality. Austrian Working Group on Water Austria.
P04/95-7D Evaluate representativeness of existing monitoring networks. Groundwater - Quantity. INAG groundwater working group (CVRM/IST, FCL, LNEC)
P04/95-8A Identify gaps in current national and international monitoring networks. Surface Water - Quality. National Environmental Research Institute. Denmark
P04/95-8B Identify gaps in current national and international monitoring networks. . Surface Water - Quantity. LNEC/INAG. Portugal
P04/95-8C Identify gaps in current national and international monitoring networks. Groundwater - Quality. Austrian Working Group on Water (AWW). Austria
P04/95-8D Identify Gaps In Current National And International Monitoring Networks. Groundwater - Quantity. INAG groundwater working group (CVRM/IST, FCL, LNEC)
P04/95-9C Determine requirements for density, sampling frequency analytical methods, quality assurance schemes, data storage and estimate costs. Groundwater - Quality. Austrian Working Group on Water. (AWW) Austria
P04/95-9D Determine requirements for density, sampling frequency analytical methods, quality assurance schemes, data storage and estimate costs. Groundwater - Quantity. INAG. Portugal
P04/95-10C Design of a freshwater monitoring network for the EEA area. Groundwater - Quality. Austrian Working Group on Water. Austria
P04/95-10D Design of a freshwater monitoring network for the EEA area. Groundwater - Quantity. INAG groundwater working group (CVRM/IST, FCL, LNEC).
P04/95-13 Identify Commonality Between EEA’s Requirements And Current Databases. Austrian Working Group on Water (AWW). Austria.
P04/95-14 Develop appropriate procedures formats and software applications for the EEA database. Austrian Working Group on Water. Austria
P04/95-18 Development of an European literature review on surface water and groundwater interaction. LNEC. Portugal
P04/95-5 A Comparison of existing monitoring activities with national and international requirements
NERI/ WRc report /DGXI Quality of surface freshwaters. Common procedure for the exchange of information. 1990-1992. Synthesis Report. August 1995. CEC (1995)
NERI report /DG XI Inventory of surface water quality monitoring activities in the European Environment Agency area.
P05/95-4c Inventory of water resources monitoring networks - ground water quality monitoring
P05/95-4d Inventory of water resources monitoring networks - ground water quantity monitoring
P05/95-4c/d Inventory of water resources monitoring networks - quality/quantity monitoring supplementary volume Germany and Greece
P05/95-4e Inventory of water resources monitoring networks - Surface water quantity monitoring
P06/95 Synthesis Report on importance of reservoirs, usage, environmental conditions, trends and causes
P07/95 Overview report on the key water resources issues in semi-arid/water scarcity regions of the EEA area.
P08/95 Annual summary report 1995

5.2 Products/Outputs from the Ad Hoc Support Programme

OR1/95 Proposed Directive on Ecological Quality of Surface Waters. Dr T.J. Lack Report of a meeting at Strasbourg 29-30 May 1995, 2 June 1995
OR2/95 The Integration of water policy with other policy areas and the role of research and development. Dr T.J. Lack. presentation to the Club de Bruxelles Conference ‘Water in Europe’. Brussels 22-23 November 1995
WRc CP 744 EC Directives for Environmental Water Quality Management. Dr T.F. Zabel and Dr T.J. Lack. Paper prepared for EWPCA Workshop on Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, Hamburg 21-22 August 1995.
OR3/95 Report of 2 nd meeting of the Inputs group OSPAR commission. 21 November 1995

5.3 Other Products

  • Quarterly progress reports to the agency
  • ETC/IW Background Leaflet
  • ETC/IW Newsletters
  • ETC/IW Homepage on World Wide Web
  • Set of acetates "Introduction to the ETC/IW"

5.4 Statement of missions, meetings by ETC/IW (WRc staff)

Date Name Mission Comments
19-20 Dec Lack Copenhagen Contract signing mtg
9-11 Jan Lack Copenhagen ETC/IW Mgt Comm Mtg
3 Feb Nixon Brussels Urban WWT Dir mtg
20 Feb Lack Copenhagen ETC proj leaders mtg
20-22 Feb Nixon Luxembourg EUROSTAT mtg
21 Mar Lack, Noel London Meeting with Sec of State
13 Apr Lack London UK ITTAG mtg
20-21 Apr Lack, Nixon Silkeborg Meeting with NERI/Harremoes
2-3 May Lack Copenhagen ITTAG mtg
9-12 May Lack Brussels Ecol Directive mtg
16-17 May Lack Ispra JRC Ispra visit
29-30 May Lack Strasbourg Ecol Directive mtg
15 Jun Lack London Mtg with NFP - EIONET
18-21 Jun Lack, Nixon Madrid ETC/IW Mgt Comm Mtg
21-23 Jun Lack Copenhagen Integrated Env assessment and NFP mtg
26-27 Jun Lack Copenhagen ITTAG/ETCs mtg
4-5 Jul Lack Medmenham Visit of Thyssen and Manzella to WRc
7 Jul Lack Copenhagen Meeting with DG XI
12 Jul Lack London Mtg with NFP-EIONET
24 Jul Lack Medmenham Technical mtg on MW3
20-22 Aug Lack Hamburg EWPCA mtg
5-7 Sep Lack Copenhagen Sci Comm Follow-up mtg
16-20 Sep Lack, Nixon, Ashley Vienna ETC/IW Mgt Comm mtg
11-13 Oct Lack Copenhagen Court of Auditors mtg
17-18 Oct Lack Paris Mtg with IOW-96 program
18-19 Oct Lack Brussels Mtg with Thyssen/DG XI
23 Oct Lack London Mtg with NFP-EIONET
26-27 Oct Ashley Copenhagen ITTAG mtg
6-7 Nov Nixon Dusseldorf Ecol Directive mtg
7-10 Nov Lack Copenhagen Mtg of ETC/LC and NFPs
21 Nov Ashley London OSPARCOM mtg
19-23 Nov Lack Bratislava


Mtg of UN-ECE taskforce

Mtg of Club de Bruxelles

4-5 Dec Lack, Nixon Medmenham ETC/IW Mgt Comm mtg
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