Table E.8

Summary of recommended analytical methods made in international agreements for surface waters

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Arsenic As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Cadmium Anodic stripping voltametry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Cadmium Atomic absorption spectrometry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Cadmium Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (pulsed-type atomisers) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Cadmium Neutron activation analysis Baltic Sea 1974/92
Cadmium As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Copper Anodic stripping voltametry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Copper Atomic absorption spectrometry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Copper Neutron activation analysis Baltic Sea 1974/92
Copper As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Lead Anodic stripping voltametry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Lead Atomic absorption spectrometry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Lead Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (pulsed-type atomisers) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Lead Neutron activation analysis Baltic Sea 1974/92
Lead As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Mercury Anodic stripping voltametry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Mercury Atomic absorption spectrometry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Mercury Cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry at 253.7 nm Baltic Sea 1974/92
Mercury Neutron activation analysis Baltic Sea 1974/92
Mercury As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Zinc Anodic stripping voltametry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Zinc Atomic absorption spectrometry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Zinc Neutron activation analysis Baltic Sea 1974/92
Zinc As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Synthetic organic substances
Chlordane Gas liquid chromatography/EC detector Baltic Sea 1974/92
Chlordane Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
Chlordane As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
DDD Gas liquid chromatography/EC detector (63Ni) Baltic Sea 1974/92
DDE Gas liquid chromatography/EC detector (63Ni) Baltic Sea 1974/92
DDT Gas liquid chromatography/EC detector (63Ni) Baltic Sea 1974/92
DDT As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Dibenzofurans Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
Dieldrin As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Dioxins Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
Dioxins As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
HCH Gas liquid chromatography/EC detector (63Ni) Baltic Sea 1974/92
HCH As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Hexachlorobenzene Gas liquid chromatography/EC detector (63Ni) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Organo-tin As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PAH Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
PAH As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
PBB As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PBDE As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PCB Gas liquid chromatography/EC detector (63Ni) Baltic Sea 1974/92
PCB As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PCC As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Polychlorinated camphenes Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
Radioactivity Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Ecotox test Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Benthic fauna Pantle-Puck Regensburg Danube 1987
Fish Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

NSTF 1987

Microbiological Acriding Orange direct count (AODC) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Microbiological Pour plate method Baltic Sea 1974/92
Microbiological Tritiated Thymidine Incorporation Baltic Sea 1974/92
Planktonic flora Annual mean values (see formulae) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Planktonic flora Fluorometer Baltic Sea 1974/92
Planktonic flora Radioactivity uptake followed by Geiger counting Baltic Sea 1974/92
Planktonic flora Not specified Water economy 1956
Planktonic flora Radioactivity uptake followed by scintillation counter Baltic Sea 1974/92
Planktonic flora Spectrophotometer Baltic Sea 1974/92
Phytoplankton Centrifugation or sedimentation, qualitative and quantitative microscopic evaluation of autotrophes Elbe 1990 (1993)
Arsenic Not specified Water economy 1956
Arsenic As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Cadmium Not specified Water economy 1956
Cadmium As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Chromium As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Copper Not specified Water economy 1956
Copper As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Lead Not specified Water economy 1956
Lead As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Mercury Not specified Water economy 1956
Mercury As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Nickel Not specified Water economy 1956
Nickel As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Zinc Not specified Water economy 1956
Zinc As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Synthetic organic substances
Chlordane As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
DDT As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Dieldrin As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Dioxins As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Organo-tin As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PAH Not specified Water economy 1956
PAH As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PBB As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
PBDE As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PCB Not specified Water economy 1956
PCB As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PCC As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Benthic fauna Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
Benthic fauna Saprobic Index (DIN 38 410, parts 1 and 2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Benthic fauna Weighing Baltic Sea 1974/92
Physico-chemical parameters
Alkalinity Acid capacity to pH 4.5 (CSN 83 0530/12); to pH 4.3 (DIN 38 409/7) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Alkalinity Titration (Gripenberg - standard acid addition method) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Alkalinity Methyl orange titration Regensburg Danube 1987
Bicarbonate Calculation Regensburg Danube 1987
Bicarbonate Not specified Water economy 1956
Colour Filtration -

Spectral absorption coefficient at 254 nm (CSN 75 7360; DIN 38 404-C3)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Conductivity Electrometrically Regensburg Danube 1987
Conductivity Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Conductivity Measure within 24h - Electrometrically with platinum cell

(CSN 83 0530/10; DIN 38 404-C8)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Conductivity Electrometrically with platinum cell

(DIN 38 404-C8; NF T 90 031)

Rhine 1993
Density Calculated from temperature and salinity Baltic Sea 1974/92
Detergents Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Hardness Complexometrically - EDTA Regensburg Danube 1987
Hardness Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

pH Electrometrically with glass electrode Baltic Sea 1974/92
pH Electrometrically Regensburg Danube 1987
pH Not specified Regensburg Danube 1987

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

pH Measure within 24h -Electrometrically with glass electrode (CSN 83 0530/4; DIN 38 404-C5) Elbe 1990 (1993)
pH pH sensors Baltic Sea 1974/92
pH Electrometrically with glass electrode (DIN 38 404-C5; NF T 90 008) Rhine 1993
Salinity Salinometer Baltic Sea 1974/92
Suspended solids Gravimetrically Regensburg Danube 1987
Suspended solids Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Suspended solids Filtration , drying at 105 o C

(CSN 83 0530/9 C; DIN 38 409-H2)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Temperature Conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Temperature Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Temperature Precision mercury thermometer; or Electrometrically with resistivity thermometer

(CSN 83 0530/3; DIN 38 404-C4-1,2)

Elbe 1990 (1993)

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Temperature Reversing thermometer Baltic Sea 1974/92
Temperature Precision mercury thermometer; or Electrometrically with resistivity thermometer (DIN 38 404-C4-2) Rhine 1993
Turbidity Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Turbidity Secchi disk Regensburg Danube 1987
Organic Pollution Indicators
BOD Not specified Water economy Mura 1954

Water economy 1956

BOD Unfiltered -

BOD 21 , without inoculation, without inhibition of nitrification, aeration, dilution method

(CSN 83 0530/37A; DIN 38 409-H52)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
BOD Without inhibition of nitrification Water economy 1956
COD Dichromate method Bucharest Danube 1985
COD Kubel method - KMnO4 Regensburg Danube 1987
COD Permanganate method Bucharest Danube 1985
COD Not specified Water economy Mura 1954

Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

COD Unfiltered -

Dichromate method

(CSN 83 0530/29B; DIN 38 409-H41)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
COD Solution K2Cr2O7 Regensburg Danube 1987
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) Filtration 0.45 µm -

Catalytic (high temperature) oxidation, IR-spectrophotometry (CSN 757516; ISO 8245; DIN 38 409-H3-1)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) Filtration 0.45 µm -

Catalytic (high temperature) oxidation, IR-spectrophotometry (DIN 38 409-H3); or

Na-peroxydidulphate/UV oxidation, IR-spectrophotometry

Rhine 1993
Dissolved oxygen Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Dissolved oxygen On-site determination or fixing - Electrometrically with oxygen probe or Winkler method (CSN 83 0530/11B; DIN 38 408-G22 or G21) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Dissolved oxygen Electrometrically (EN 25814; DIN 38 408-G22) Rhine 1993
Dissolved oxygen Oxygen sensor Baltic Sea 1974/92
Dissolved oxygen Winkler's method- sodium azide Regensburg Danube 1987

Baltic Sea 1974/92

Total organic carbon (TOC) Catalytic (high temperature) oxidation, IR-spectrophotometry (CSN 757516; ISO 8245; DIN 38 409-H3-1) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Total organic carbon (TOC) Separate analysis in water and suspended solids:

Catalytic (high temperature) oxidation, IR-spectrophotometry (DIN 38 409-H3); or

Na-peroxydidulphate/uv oxidation, IR-spectrophotometry

Rhine 1993
Ammonia Method intercalibrated at the BIW Baltic Sea 1974/92

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Ammonia Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Ammonia Filtration, centrifugation or decanting - Photometric determination - Nessler reagent/indophenol blue (CSN 83 0530/26B; DIN 38 406-E5-1) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Ammonia Ion-sensitive electrode; or

NH 3 gas exchange/FIA/ AA; or

Salicylate/indophenol blue AA (DIN 38 406-E5-1)

Rhine 1993
Nitrate Filtration, centrifugation or decanting - Photometric - Na-salicylate method; or Catalytic (Cd) reduction, Isotacho-phoresis/UV-spectrophotometry at 220 nm (CSN 83 0530/25; DIN 38 405-D9); or

Ion chromatography (DIN 38 405-D19)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Nitrate Ion-sensitive electrode; or

Reduction to nitrite/ sulphanilamide absorption photometry; or Ion chromatography (DIN 38 405-D19)

Rhine 1993
Nitrite Filtration, centrifugation or decanting - Photometric determination - sulphanilic acid/sulphanilamide and N-(1-Naphthyl)-ethylenediamine, isotachophoresis (CSN 83 0530/24; DIN 38 405-D10); or Ion chromatography (DIN 38 405-D19) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Nitrogen (total) Digestion Baltic Sea 1974/92
Nitrogen (total) Method intercalibrated at the BIW Baltic Sea 1974/92
Nitrogen (total) Not specified Water economy 1956

Protection Lake Constance 1960

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Nitrogen (total) As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Nitrogen (total) Peroxydisulphate oxidation - nitrate determination Baltic Sea 1974/92
Nitrogen (total) Addition of individual N-components; or Persulphate oxidation - NO 3 determination; or

Oxidative, thermal-catalytic conversion (NO/NO 2 ), photometric chemoluminescence detection

Rhine 1993
ortho-Phosphate-P Filtration, centrifugation or decanting - isotachophoresis, ammonium molybdate/absorption photometry (CSN 83 0530/22A; DIN 38 405-D11-1) Elbe 1990 (1993)
ortho-Phosphate-P Ammonium molybdate/absorption photometry (DIN 38 405-D11-1; NF T 90-023) Rhine 1993
Phosphorus (total) Digestion Baltic Sea 1974/92
Phosphorus (total) Method intercalibrated at the BIW Baltic Sea 1974/92
Phosphorus (total) Not specified Water economy Mura 1954

Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Phosphorus (total) Mineralisation with Peroxydisulphate, H 2 O 2 /H 2 SO 4 ; or Koroleff method; or DIN 38 405-D11-4; photometric PO 4 determination or ion chromatography Elbe 1990 (1993)
Phosphorus (total) Separate analysis in water and suspended solids (SS): Digestion, ammonium molybdate/ absorption photometry (DIN 38 405-D11-4; NF T 90-023); or ICP (SS) Rhine 1993

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Major Anions/Cations
Barium Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Boron Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Calcium Complexometrically - EDTA Regensburg Danube 1987
Calcium Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Calcium Acidification/digestion, AAS; or Complexometric 2-step (Ca/Mg) titration (CSN 83 0530/17; DIN 38 406-E3-3); or

ICP-MS (DIN 38 406-E22)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Calcium Complexometric (EDTA) titration (DIN 38 406-E3-2); or

Flame-AAS (NEN 6446)

Rhine 1993
Magnesium Calculation Water economy 1956

Regensburg Danube 1987

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Magnesium AAS; or Complexometric 2-step (Ca/Mg) titration (CSN 83 0530/17; DIN 38 406-E3-3); or

ICP-MS (DIN 38 406-E22)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Magnesium Complexometric (EDTA) titration (DIN 38 406-E3-3); or Flame-AAS (NEN 6446); or ICP/AES Rhine 1993
Chloride Mercury nitrate titration Regensburg Danube 1987
Chloride Mohr method Regensburg Danube 1987
Chloride Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Chloride Filtration, centrifugation or decanting - Silver nitrate or mercury nitrate titration (CSN 83 0530/20; DIN 38 405-D1-2); or

Ion chromatography (DIN 38 405-D19)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Chloride Ion-selective electrode; or

Reaction with Hg-Ag-thiocyanate, Fe(III) absorption photometry; or

Silver nitrate titration (DIN 38 405-D1-2; NF T 90-014); or Ion chromatography (DIN 38 405-D19)

Rhine 1993
Cyanide Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Fluoride Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Potassium Not specified Water economy 1956
Potassium Flame photometry (CSN 83 0530/19; DIN 38 406-E13); or

IPC-MS (DIN 38 406-E22)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Potassium ICP-AES; or Emission flame photometry (DEV E14-2; NEN 6442) Rhine 1993
Residual chlorine Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Silicon Ascorbic acid method Baltic Sea 1974/92
Silicon Method intercalibrated at the BIW Baltic Sea 1974/92
Silicate Ammonium molybdate/ascorbic acid absorption photometry (DIN38 405-D21); or Colorimetry (Merck Spectroquant method) Rhine 1993
Sodium Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Sodium Flame photometry (CSN 83 0530/18; DIN 38 406-E14); or IPC-MS (DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Sodium ICP-AES; or Emission flame photometry (DEV E14-2; NEN 6442) Rhine 1993

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Sulphate Complexometrically - EDTA Regensburg Danube 1987
Sulphate Gravimetrically - BaCl 2 Regensburg Danube 1987
Sulphate Not specified Water economy 1956

Regensburg Danube 1987

Sulphate Gravimetrically - BaCl 2 ; or EDTA titration; or isotachometry (CSN 83 0530/16; DIN 38 405-D5-1); or

Ion chromatography (DIN 38 405-D19)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Sulphate Ion chromatography (DIN 38 405-D19); or Methylthymol blue/absorption photometry; or

Nephelometrically - BaSO 4 (NF T 90-009)

Rhine 1993
Sulphate Volumetrically - dithizone Regensburg Danube 1987
Total salts Gravimetrically Regensburg Danube 1987
Total salts Sum of dissolved ions Regensburg Danube 1987
Total salts Conductimetry Regensburg Danube 1987
Arsenic Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Arsenic Acidification /digestion, ETA-AAS/Hydride-AAS (DIN 38 405-D18) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Arsenic Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Hydride-AAS (DIN 38 405-D18); or Graphite furnace-AAS (NEN 6457); or ICP-AES Rhine 1993
Cadmium Not specified Water economy 1956

Baltic Sea 1974/92

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Cadmium As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Cadmium Flame-AAS (CSN 83 0530/42 B); or Flameless AAS (DIN 38 406-E19) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Cadmium Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Graphite furnace-AAS DIN 38 406-E19-2 or 3; NEN 6458); or ICP-AES Rhine 1993
Chromium Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Chromium As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Chromium ETA-AAS; or Flameless-AAS (CSN 83 0530/45); or APDC complexation/flameless-AAS; or

ICP-MS (DIN 38 406-E22)

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Chromium Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Graphite furnace-AAS DIN 38 406-E10-2; NEN 6444); or ICP-AES Rhine 1993
Copper Anodic stripping voltametry Baltic Sea 1974/92
Copper Atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) (graphite furnace or flame) Baltic Sea 1974/92
Copper Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Copper As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Copper Flame-AAS or flameless-AAS (CSN 83 0530/39); or APDC complexation/flameless AAS (DIN 38 406-E-7-1); or ICP-MS (DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Copper Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Graphite furnace-AAS (DIN 38 406-E7-2; NEN 6454); or ICP-AES Rhine 1993

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Iron Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Iron Flame-AAS after pre-concentration; or ICP-MS (CSN 83 0530/27 B; DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Iron Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Flame-AAS (DIN 38 406-E7-1); or ICP-AES Rhine 1993
Lead Not specified Water economy 1956

Baltic Sea 1974/92

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Lead As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Lead ETA-AAS; or Flame-AAS (CSN 83 0530/44); or Graphite furnace-AAS (DIN 38 406-E6-3); or APDC complexation/flameless AAS; or ICP-MS (DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Lead Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Graphite furnace-AAS (DIN 38 406-E19-2; NEN 6458); or ICP-AES Rhine 1993
Manganese Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Manganese Flame-AAS CSN 83 0530/28 B); or IPC-MS ( (DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Manganese Separate analysis in water and suspended solids:

Graphite furnace or flame AAS (DIN 38 406-E7-1); or ICP-AES

Rhine 1993
Mercury Collection on gold followed by cold vapour AAS Baltic Sea 1974/92
Mercury Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Mercury As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Mercury Mercurimetry; or AAS - cold vapour method (CSN 83 0530/43; DIN 38406-E12); or IPC-MS (DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Mercury Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: AAS - cold vapour method (DIN 38 406-E12-3; NEN 6445) Rhine 1993
Nickel Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Graphite furnace-AAS (DIN 38 406-E11-2; NEN 6430) Rhine 1993
Nickel ETA-AAS; or Flame-AAS (CSN 83 0530/46); or Graphite furnace-AAS (DIN 38 406-E11-2); or APDC complexation/flameless-AAS; or ICP-MS (DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Selenium Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Silver Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Zinc Not specified Water economy 1956

Baltic Sea 1974/92

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Zinc As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Zinc Separate analysis in water and suspended solids: Flame-AAS (DIN 38 406-E8-1); or AAS - cold vapour method; or ICP-AES Rhine 1993
Zinc Acidification/digestion of unfiltered sample, flame-AAS after pre-concentration or flameless AAS (CSN 83 0530/41; DIN 38 406-E8-1); or ICP-MS (DIN 38 406-E22) Elbe 1990 (1993)

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Chlorophyll-a Determination within 8 h of sampling - Extraction of filter residue, spectro-photometric determination (ISO 10 260) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Coliforms Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Coliforms Endo-agar 37 o C, 24h and 48h count (red colonies only) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Faecal coliforms Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Faecal coliforms Endo-agar 43 o C, 24h count (red colonies only) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Faecal streptococci Not specified Water economy 1956
Salmonella Not specified Water economy 1956
Pathogens Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Total bacteria 22 ° C Water economy 1956

Frontier waters -Czech Republic 1970

Frontier waters -Slovak Republic 1970

Total bacteria 37 ° C Frontier waters -Czech Republic 1970

Frontier waters -Slovak Republic 1970

Total bacteria Not specified Water economy 1956
River Level Not specified Rhine-ICH 1989

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Flow Not specified Water economy Mura 1954

Water economy 1956

Frontier waters -Slovak Republic 1970

Rhine Convention 1976

Bucharest Danube 1985

Rhine-ICH 1989

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Elbe 1990 (1993)

Levels of lake water Not specified Water economy 1956
Synthetic organic substances
AOX Not specified Water economy 1956
AOX Acidification (HNO 3 ) to pH 1-2, then ISO 9562 or DIN 38 409-H 14 Elbe 1990 (1993)
Acid Binding Capacity Not specified Water economy 1956
Aliphatic hydrocarbons Not specified Water economy 1956
Benzene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping or solvent extraction, GC-FID (DIN 38 407-F9-2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Benzene Purge and trap/GC-FID Rhine 1993
Chlorobenzene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-FID, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN (draft) 38 407-F2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
DDT Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
DDT/DDD/DDE In suspended solids:


Rhine 1993

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Dichlorobenzene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-FID, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN (draft) 38 407-F2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Dichloroethane Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-FID, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN 38 407-F4 or F5) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Dichloroethane Purge and trap/GC-ECD/FID Rhine 1993
EDTA Pre-concentration, derivatisation (butanol/acetyl chloride) GC-NPD Rhine 1993
HCH Not specified Baltic Sea 1974/92
HCH As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
HCH isomers Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Solvent extraction or solid phase extraction, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN (draft) 38 407-F2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
HCH isomers Various methods based on extraction (solid phase or solvent extraction) and GC-ECD, GC-FID or GC-MS) Rhine 1993
Hexachlorobenzene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Solvent extraction or solid phase extraction, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN (draft) 38 407-F2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Hexachlorobenzene In suspended solids: Extraction/GC-ECD Rhine 1993
Hydrocarbons Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Hydrogen sulphide Colorimetric method Baltic Sea 1974/92
Hydrogen sulphide Dilution Baltic Sea 1974/92
Hydrogen sulphide Volumetrically Baltic Sea 1974/92
Methyl-parathion Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Methyl-parathion As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Methyl-parathion Various methods based on extraction (solid phase or solvent extraction) and GC-NPD or GC-MS Rhine 1993
NTA Pre-concentration, derivatisation (butanol/acetyl chloride) GC-NPD Rhine 1993
Organic carbon Not specified Water economy 1956
Organo-tin Extraction and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy Baltic Sea 1974/92
Organo-tin As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
PAH Not specified Water economy 1956
PAH In suspended solids:


Rhine 1993
PCB Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

PCB Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Solvent extraction or solid phase extraction, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN (draft) 38 407-F2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
PCB In suspended solids:


Rhine 1993
PCDD+PCDF In suspended solids:


Rhine 1993
Pentachlorophenol Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Derivatisation (acetanhydryde) GC-MS; or

Acidification/petroleum ether/acetic acid ester extraction, GC-ECD

Elbe 1990 (1993)
Pentachlorophenol Various methods based on extraction, derivatisation, HPLC or GC-MS or GC-ECD Rhine 1993

Table E.8 continued

Determinand Analysis method Agreement
Pesticides Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Pesticides 24 specific compounds (and isomers): Various methods based on extraction (solid phase or solvent extraction) and GC-ECD, FID, NPD or MS, or HPLC-UV Rhine 1993
Petroleum hydrocarbons UV-spectrofluorometric method Baltic Sea 1974/92
Phenols Not specified Water economy 1956

Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991

Phosphoric acid ester Determination in unfiltered sample - Solvent extraction, GC-NPD Elbe 1990 (1993)
Tetrachloroethene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN 38 407-F4 or F5) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Tetrachloroethene Purge and trap/GC-ECD Rhine 1993
Tetrachloromethane Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN 38 407-F4 or F5) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Tetrachloromethane Purge and trap/GC-ECD Rhine 1993
Trichloroethene Purge and trap/GC-ECD Rhine 1993
Trichloromethane Purge and trap/GC-ECD Rhine 1993
Total tin Extraction and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy Baltic Sea 1974/92
Toluene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping or solvent extraction, GC-FID (DIN 38 407-F9-2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Triazines As specified in JMP of North Sea Paris (1974) NSTF 1987
Triazines Not specified Water economy 1956
Triazines (atrazine, simazine) Solvent extraction/GC-NPD ; or

Solid phase extraction/GC-MS or HPLC-UV

Rhine 1993
Trichlorobenzene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-FID, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN (draft) 38 407-F2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Trichlorobenzene In suspended solids:


Rhine 1993
Trichloroethene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN 38 407-F4 or F5) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Trichloromethane Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping, solvent extraction, or solid phase extraction, GC-ECD or GC-MS (DIN 38 407-F4 or F5) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Xylene Determination in unfiltered sample within 48h - Closed loop stripping or solvent extraction, GC-FID (DIN 38 406-F9-2) Elbe 1990 (1993)
Radioactivity-alpha Bledtionn Regensburg Danube 1987
Radioactivity-alpha GM Counter Regensburg Danube 1987
Radioactivity-alpha Proportional gas flow counter (argon/methane); or Scintillation counter Rhine 1993
Radioactivity-beta Bledtionn Regensburg Danube 1987
Radioactivity-beta GM Counter Regensburg Danube 1987
Radioactivity-beta Proportional gas flow counter (argon/methane or helium/isobutanol) ; or GM counter Rhine 1993
Radioactivity Not specified Co-operation with Bulgaria 1991
Potassium 40-beta activity Calculation from Potassium concentration determined by flame-AAS Rhine 1993
Tritium Bledtionn Regensburg Danube 1987
Tritium Scintillation spectrometry Rhine 1993
Tritium GM Counter Regensburg Danube 1987
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