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Environmental information systems
Permanent settlement area within the Alpine Convention area
Map (static)
Available settlement area at level of municipalities

Data sources
More info
- Data for the delination of municipalities: EuroGeographics (2005): Seamless Administrative Boundaries of Europe (SABE2004 v1.0).
- Based on Corine Landcover data 2000 the available settlement area is processed from the area for settlements from European Environment Agency (2005): Corine land cover 2000 (CLC2000) 100 m.
Data for intensively used agricultural areas are derived from national statistics as:
- AT Statistik Austria (1999): Agrarstrukturerhebung.
- CH Bundesamt für Statistik (1992-1997): Arealstatistik.
- DE Bayerisches Landesamt für Statistik und Datenverarbeitung (2001): Allgemeine Agrarstrukturerhebung.
- FR Agreste (2000): Recensement agricole; special analysis.
- IT ISTAT (2000): Censimento generale dell'agricoltura.
- LI Amt für Volkswirtschaft (2000): Landwirtschaftliche Betriebszählung.
- SI Statistični urad Republike Slovenije (2000): Popis kmetijstva.