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See all EU institutions and bodiesOverview of taxes on the incineration of municipal waste used in EU Member States, 2023
Chart (static)

Belgium: average for Flanders and Wallonia; lower level applies to non-combustible waste; higher level applies to combustible waste. France: tax rate depends on landfill design. Slovakia: tax ranges from EUR11 to 33 per tonne depending on the share of separately collected municipal waste in a municipality. Slovenia: tax applies to treatment residues of municipal waste. Poland and Spain: lower level applies to outputs of mechanical-biological treatment plants; higher level applies to untreated municipal waste. Italy: taxes are defined by the regions within the nationally defined range. Malta: no landfill tax, but landfill gate fees apply to mixed waste deposited at public waste management facilities, which is set to increase from EUR40 per tonne in 2023 to EUR120 per tonne in 2027. EU average: simple average of all Member States applying landfill taxes. Further details are described in the Technical note.
- Country profiles: Early warning assessments related to the 2025 targets for municipal waste and packaging waste (No direct URL to dataset)
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
The information used was compiled by the ETC CE based on the EEA's Early warning assessments related to the 2025 target for municipal waste and packaging waste (, and information received by country authorities during the Eionet review of this briefing.
Additional information
Belgium: average for Flanders and Wallonia, lower level applies to non-combustible waste, higher level to combustible waste; Denmark: the tax depends on energy content and CO2 emissions per tonne of waste, so the figure represents a typical value for municipal waste; Slovakia: tax ranges from 11 to 33 EUR/tonne depending on the share of separately collected municipal waste in a municipality. Slovenia: tax applies to treatment residues of municipal waste. Poland, Spain: lower level applies to outputs of Mechanical-Biological Treatment plants, higher level to untreated municipal waste. EU average: simple average of all Member States applying landfill taxes. Further details are described in the Technical note accompanying the briefing.