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Environmental information systems
Consumption of ozone depleting substances (EECCA), 1989-2000
Chart (static)
CFC: ChloroFuoroCarbon, HCFC: HydroChloroFluoroCarbon, CTC: CarbonTetraChloride; MCF: MethylChloroForm

Data sources
More info
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Georgia
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Moldova
- Russia
- Tajikistan
- Turkmenistan
- Ukraine
- Uzbekistan
The data for the Accession countries and NIS before 1993 is incomplete: Data was not required to be reported for a number of species. DG ENVIRONMENT reports sales of ozone depleting substances (ODS) in the EU. UNEP reports consumption of ODS for all countries. Sales and consumption are considered the same here, as EU sales and UNEP consumption figures are generally consistent. Sales is defined as the actual sales in the EU, for dispersive uses, excluding sales to other EU based producer companies and sales within the EU between different branches of the same producer company.