The European Environment Agency is a public body set up by the European Union to provide information on Europe's environment.

The Agency has adopted a code - the "Code of Good Administrative Behaviour" - that lays down the principles of good administration that all members of its staff must respect in their relations with the public. The Management Board of the Agency adopted on 22 June 2004, the European Union inter-institutional Code of Good Administrative Behaviour.

What is good administration?

Good administration is what members of the public are entitled to expect when they deal with a public body. It entails the respect of laws and procedures, especially the fundamental rights of citizens, and high quality services.

What is a code of good administrative behaviour?

A code of good administrative behaviour is a document which set outs the basic principles of good administration. These principles are legally binding for officials when they deal with the public.

The code informs officials about the rules they must follow in their relations with the public.

With the help of the code, members of the public know exactly how the Agency works and what rights they have in their dealings with the Agency.

The ultimate goal is to enhance the transparency of the administration, to ensure a better quality of the services provided and to bring the administration closer to the public.

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