Every two years, all European Union (EU) Member States report on their national greenhouse gas policies and measures (Article 18 of the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action Regulation). Reporting on policies and measures was already mandatory under the Monitoring Mechanism Regulation, the predecessor of the Governance Regulation, from 2015. Member States reported in 2015, 2017, and 2019, with voluntary reporting in intermediate years by a selection of Member States. Non-EU countries also report information on their national policies. In 2021 Iceland, Norway and Switzerland provided such information.
To facilitate reporting by Member States, the EEA developed an online reporting webform starting from the 2015 reporting cycle that followed the template of the implementing act. This webform, available via Reportnet has been updated to reflect the changes in reporting under the Governance Regulation and has been integrated into the new e-reporting on environmental and climate data.
To further support countries in their reporting the EEA and its ETC/CME prepared a set of documents, such as ‘Guidelines Reporting on greenhouse gas policies and measures under Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 on the Governance of the Energy Union and Climate Action’ (available here).
Specific quality checks are performed on the submissions by Member States to ensure timeliness, completeness, consistency, comparability, coherence, transparency and accuracy of the reported information on policies and measures. More information about quality checks can be found here. The results of the quality checks are communicated to Member States. After quality control, the data is published in the EEA products: