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See all EU institutions and bodiesVote online to help us pick the winner of this year’s Public Choice Award winner for the 2023 ‘Zero Waste PIX’ photo competition organised by the European Environment Agency (EEA). Cast your vote by 7 November!
This year’s competition drew nearly 700 entries from across all of Europe, from Türkiye to Iceland. The EEA shortlisted 38 finalists for final consideration of the top prizes, including a dramatic photo of a man looking starkly at an overflowing garbage bin on a crowded beach, a boy seemingly trapped in a huge pile of toys and a thought-provoking shot of an electric cable cord stuck in a deer’s antlers. All of them evoke this year’s photo competition theme.
Photographers submitted their best shots under four categories: circular and smart, eco-lifestyles, wasteful production, and consumption mania.
The 2023 EEA photo competition ZeroWaste PIX aims to raise awareness on our production systems and consumption patterns that are vital aspects of our economy and livelihoods. As consumers, we enjoy numerous conveniences and benefits to our quality of life due to industrial production. However, we know this comes at a huge cost to our environment and increasingly to our own health and well-being. Our production and consumption systems have led to increased pollution and relentless resource extraction, degrading our nature and causing biodiversity loss.
The winner in each category will receive a cash prize of EUR 1,000. Additional prizes are awarded to the best youth entry as well as the public’s favourite photo.
Citizens across Europe now have the opportunity to choose their favourite photo. You can vote for as many photos as you want but each person is only allowed to vote once.
Vote for your favourite photos before 7 November 2023 (23.59 CET).
You can check out all the finalist photos on our Flickr album.
Read more about the competition categories and rules on the ‘Zero Waste PIX’ competition page.