SNAP Name of SNAP/CORINAIR Activity NFR 1 CRF/IPCC classification Chapter
1101 Non-managed broadleaf forests . - Not allocated B1101
110117 Non-managed deciduous forests soils (excluding CO2) . . . B110117
1102 Non-managed coniferous forests . - Not allocated B1101
110216 Soils (excluding CO2) . . . B110117
1103 Forest and other vegetation fires . - Not allocated .
110301 Man-induced . . . B1103
110302 Other . . . B1103
1104 Natural grassland and other vegetation . - Not allocated .
110401 Grassland . . Not allocated B1104
110402 Tundra . . Not allocated B1104
110403 Other low vegetation . . Not allocated B1104
110404 Other vegetation (Mediterranean scrub,…) . . Not allocated B1104
110405 Soils (excluding CO2) . . Not allocated B110117
1105 Wetlands (marshes - swamps) . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters .
110501 Undrained marshes . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters B1105
110502 Drained marshes . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters B1105
110503 Bogs . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters B1105
110504 Fens . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters B1105
110505 Swamps . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters B1105
110506 Floodplains . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters B1105
1106 Waters . 4D N2O from Leakage of N into Waters B1106
1107 Animals . - Not allocated B1107
110701 Termites . - Not allocated B1107
110702 Mammals . - Not allocated B1107
110703 Other animals . - Not allocated B1107
1108 Volcanoes . - Not allocated B1108
1109 Gas seeps . - Not allocated B1109
1110 Lightning . - Not allocated .
1111 Managed broadleaf forests 11a . . B1101
. Items 11.11.04 to 11.11.11 and 11.11.15 to 11.11.17 11a 5E Land Use Change and Forestry-Other .
111117 Managed deciduous forests soils (excluding CO2) 11a 5E Land Use Change and Forestry- Other B110117
1112 Managed coniferous forests 11a . . B1101
Items 11.12.04 to 11.12.12 and 11.12.15 to 11.12.16 11a 5E Land Use Change and Forestry- Other .
111216 Managed coniferous forests soils (excluding CO2) 11a 5E Land Use Change and Forestry- Other B110117
1121 Changes in forest and other woody biomass stock . . . B112100
112101 Tropical forests . 5A1 Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks/Tropical .
112102 Temperate forests . 5A2 Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks/Temperate .
112103 Boreal forests . 5A3 Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks/Boreal .
112104 Grassland/tundra . 5A4 Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks/Grassland .
112105 Other . 5A5 Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks/Other .
1122 Forest and grassland conversion . . . B112200
112201 Tropical forests . 5B1 Forest and grassland conversion/Tropical .
112202 Temperate forests . 5B2 Forest and grassland conversion/Temperate .
112203 Boreal forests . 5B3 Forest and grassland conversion/Boreal .
112204 Grassland . 5B4 Forest and grassland conversion/Grassland .
112205 Other . 5B5 Forest and grassland conversion/Other .
1123 Abandonment of Managed Land . . . B112300
112301 Tropical forests . 5C1 Abandonment of managed lands/Tropical .
112302 Temperate forests . 5C2 Abandonment of managed lands/Temperate .
112303 Boreal forests . 5C3 Abandonment of managed lands/Boreal .
112304 Grassland . 5C4 Abandonment of managed lands/Grassland .
112305 Other . 5C5 Abandonment of managed lands/Other .
1124 CO2 Emissions and removals from soil (except 10.06) . 5D CO2 Emissions and removals from soil B112400
1125 Other . 5E Other B112500