Provides definitions of important terms. Presents the relevant pollutants and describes where and how they are emitted. Describes the controls/abatement techniques available, how these have been introduced over time and their effects on emissions. Each of the above should include reference to the source of the definitions of terms and classification. references Provides current estimates in the uncertainties of base statistics, emission factors, disaggregation factors and emission estimates as percentages and/or quality codes (A-E). Includes the chapter release version number, date of preparation or revision, list of author(s) plus people/organisations responsible for further updates.
1. Activities included

Provides for chapters covering a source sector, sub-sector or parts thereof, codes and names for each of the activities covered within this chapter. Notes any related emission sources not included in the chapter.
2. Contribution to total emission
Provides tables summarising current state of knowledge on (a selection of) national and multi-national (CORINAIR, EMEP, OECD, UNFCCC) data on weight and percent contributions to total emissions for each relevant pollutant. Sectors and sub-sectors producing more than one percent of total emissions of any pollutant should be disaggregated as far as practicable within these tables to show contributions from the main sub-sectors and/or activities producing at least one percent of the most significant pollutant.
3. General
3.1 Description
Provides a general introduction to explain what the section covers. Use ISIC, NACE, PRODCOM (or other) codes and definitions where these can help in the definition of the activities covered.
3.2 Definitions
3.3 Techniques
Describes the relevant techniques/technologies (reference may be given to additional sources of information).
3.4 Emissions
3.5 Controls
4. Simpler methodology
The purpose of the simpler methodology is to enable users to determine whether emissions from this activity are significant. Describes the minimum acceptable approach for quantifying emission from this source. The rationale for the approach should be presented and should have been confirmed as acceptable by several experts (some of whom will use this approach and some a more advanced approach). Appropriate base statistics and emission factors to be used should be clearly specified and explained.
5. Detailed methodology
The detailed methodology should be used for those sources that have been identified as significant. It describes the methodology, the benefits in terms of detail, improved accuracy and precision etc. and how it relates to the simpler approach. (In some case the simpler and detailed methodology may be the same).
6. Relevant activity statistics
Provides lists and possible sources of statistics/data on activities relevant to the estimation of emissions. Example activities are fuel consumption, traffic, industrial consumption/output and example data sources are national statistics offices, Eurostat, UNECE, OECD, IEA.
7. Point source criteria
Lists the current criteria to be used to split sources into point and area/line sources.
8. Emission factors, quality codes and
Provides tables of emission factors for each pollutant, medium, technique, activity and fuel covered with associated quality codes and references (to the literature sources of the emission factors). Where appropriate and available, uncontrolled techniques should be given first and the temporal development of emissions/abatement should be included.
9. Species profiles
Provides available information on species profiles, for example NOx and VOCs, with associated quality codes 8A-E) and references, as for emission factors above.
10. Uncertainty estimates
11. Weakest aspects/priority areas for improvement in current methodology
Provides a summary of these aspects with suggestions/proposals on how they can be addressed or on how they are being addressed.
12. Spatial disaggregation criteria for area sources
Provides recommendations for activity or surrogate statistics to be used for spatial disaggregation.
13. Temporal disaggregation criteria
Provides a summary of what is known or what needs to be considered to disaggregate annual totals to shorter time periods.
14. Additional comments
Any comments not mentioned elsewhere, which may assist the estimation of emissions from this activity.
15. Supplementary documents
Provides a summary of documents which are to be used in conjunction with the Guidebook and which provide supplementary information necessary for completion of this part of the inventory, for example COPERT manuals.
16. Verification procedures
Describes verification procedures relevant to this section and who should apply them (national expert, central team, statistical office etc.). The Verification Export Panel will provide advice/examples to the other Panel Leaders to help develop this section.
17. References
Provides list of references quoted within this section.
18. Bibliography
Provides a list of other relevant literature which is not referred to but which might be useful for extra  background reading should further information be required.

Release version, date and source

Point of Enquiry

A current contact point for questions on the chapter.