Experience from developing and implementing a standardised format for exchange of environmental data in Denmark

This report is part of a package of projects launched by the Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy for the support of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The scope of the report has been defined in a cooperation between the EEA and the Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Danish EPA). The project was initiated in August 1995 and completed in December 1995 / January 1996.

1. Preface: objectives, structure and scope of report
2. Background and history
3. Code lists
4. The file format
5. Computer based support programmes
6. Organisation
7. Defining, creating and transferring a STANDAT file
8. Experience of the use of the STANDAT system
9. Similar interchange formats
10. Ideas for further development of an interchange format
11. Scenarios for data transfer
12. Conclusions and overall recommendations
13. Executive summary
Annex I: Acronyms etc
Annex II: References and litterature
Annex III: Example of a SANDRE file
Annex IV: Example of a GESMES file

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