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European Union 8th Environment Action Programme
Modified 19 Dec 2024
01-Total net greenhouse gas emission trends and projections in Europe-indicator
02-Greenhouse gas emissions from land use, land use change and forestry in Europe
03-Economic losses from weather- and climate-related extremes in Europe-indicator
04-Drought impact on ecosystems in Europe-indicator
05-Raw material consumption. Europe’s material footprint-Indicator
06-Waste generation in Europe-indicator
07-Premature deaths due to exposure to fine particulate matter in Europe-indicator
08-Nitrate in groundwater-indicator
09-Designated terrestrial protected areas in Europe-indicator
10-Designated marine protected areas in Europe's seas-indicator
11-Common bird index in Europe-indicator
12-Forest connectivity in Europe-indicator
13-Energy consumption. primary and final energy consumption in Europe-indicator
14-Share of energy consumption from renewable sources in Europe-indicator
15-Circular material use rate in Europe-indicator
16-Share of buses and trains in inland passenger transport-indicator
17-Agricultural area under organic farming in Europe-indicator
18-Share of environmental taxes in total tax revenues-indicator
19-Fossil fuel subsidies-indicator
20-Environmental protection expenditure-indicator
21-Green bonds-indicator
22-Eco-innovation index-indicator
23-Land take. Net land take in cities and commuting zones in Europe-indicator
24-Water scarcity conditions in Europe (Water exploitation index plus)-indicator
25-Consumption footprint (based on life cycle assessment)-indicator