This report builds on the analysis of large amounts of data, studies and reports. Several experts have contributed to the collection of this information, the assessment and the reporting. The environmental chapters have been developed by an EEA team consisting of André Jol (emissions), Gabriel Kielland and Roel van Aalst (air quality), Kyriakos Psychas (noise), Chris Steenmans (land take) and Ulla Pinborg (nature conservation). They were supported in this work by their colleagues at the European Topic Centres on Air Emissions, Air Quality, Nature Conservation and Land Cover. Valuable guidance and input was also provided by the EEA editorial committee consisting of David Stanners, David Gee, Jock Martin, Peter Bosch, Ronan Uhel and Teresa Ribeiro. Lois Williamson left her footprints in the copy editing and layout. Rolf Kuchling and Tarja Porkka took care of the final graphics design and preparation for publication. Ann Dom (project manager transport and environment) was responsible for the overall coordination and final editing.

We also thank our National Focal Points, who took the time and energy to review and comment on several draft versions of the report and provided valuable input.

We are especially grateful to Anne Ohm, Daniel Puig and Mads Paabol Jensen (COWI) for their help in the data analyses and reporting on socio-economic and transport chapters, and to Peter Saunders and Derek Wagon who supported the final language editing.

Very special thanks go to the Commission TERM steering group members Graham Lock and John Allen (Eurostat), Henning Arp, Günter HÃrmandinger and Wolfgang Güssow (DG Environment) and Richard Deiss (DG Transport). They helped to steer the project in the right direction, ensured the transfer of huge data flows between Eurostat and the EEA, and saw to it that the report was fully linked up with the ongoing integration policy process.

We would also like to acknowledge the useful information and creative ideas that were provided by several other international organisations, and in particular the European Conference of Ministers of Transport, the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development, the International Energy Agency, the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the World Health Organization and the European Federation for Transport and Environment. Finally we thank the UK Presidency for having given the necessary impetus to initiate TERM.