Content list Group 11 Other sources and sinks
Access to chapters
110100 Non managed deciduous forests B1101
110117 Non-managed deciduous forests soils (excluding CO 2 ) B110117
110200 Non-managed coniferous forests B1101
110216 Soils (excluding CO 2 ) B110117
110300 Forest and other vegetation fires
110301 Man-induced B1103
110302 Other B1103
110400 Natural grassland and other vegetation
110401 Grassland B1104
110402 Tundra B1104
110403 Other low vegetation B1104
110404 Other vegetation (Mediterranean scrub,…) B1104
110405 Soils (excluding CO 2 ) B110117
110500 Wetlands (marshes — swamps)
110501 Undrained marshes B1105
110502 Drained marshes B1105
110503 Bogs B1105
110504 Fens B1105
110505 Swamps B1105
110506 Floodplains B1105
110600 Waters B1106
110700 Animals B1107
110701 Termites B1107
110702 Mammals B1107
110703 Other animals B1107
110800 Volcanoes B1108
110900 Gas seeps B1109
111000 Lightning
111100 Managed deciduous forests (SNAP94 code 100700) B1101
111117 Managed deciduous forests soils (excluding CO 2 ) B110117
111200 Managed coniferous forests (SNAP94 code 100800) B1101
111216 Managed coniferous forests soils (excluding CO 2 ) B110117
112100 Changes in forest and other woody biomass stocks B112100
112200 Forest and grassland conversion B112200
112300 Abandonment of managed lands B112300
112400 CO 2 emissions from/or removal into soils (except 10.06) B112400
112500 Other B112500