Content list Group 10 Agriculture
Access to chapters
100100 Cultures with fertilisers (fertilised agricultural land) B1010
100101 Permanent crops B1010
100102 Arable land crops B1010
100103 Rice field B1010
100104 Market gardening B1010
100105 Grassland B1010
100106 Fallows
100200 Cultures without fertilisers (unfertilised agricultural land) B1020
100201 Permanent crops B1020
100202 Arable land crops B1020
100203 Rice field B1020
100204 Market gardening B1020
100205 Grassland B1020
100206 Fallows B1020
100300 Stubble burning B1030
100400 Enteric fermentation B1040
100401 Dairy cows B1040
100402 Other cattle B1040
100403 Ovines B1040
100404 Fattening pigs B1040
100405 Horses B1040
100406 Mules and asses B1040
100407 Goats B1040
100408 Laying hens B100408
100409 Broilers B100408
100410 Other poultry (ducks, geese, etc.) B100408
100411 Fur animals B100408
100412 Sows B100408
100413 Camels B100408
100414 Buffalo B100408
100415 Other B100408
100500 Manure management regarding organic compounds B1050
100501 Dairy cows B1050
100502 Other cattle B1050
100503 Fattening pigs B1050
100504 Sows B1050
100505 Ovines B1050
100506 Horses B1050
100507 Laying hens B1050
100508 Broilers B1050
100509 Other poultry (ducks, geese, etc.) B1050
100510 Fur animals B1050
100511 Goats B100511
100512 Mules and asses B100511
100513 Camels B100511
100514 Buffalo B100511
100515 Other B100511
100600 Use of pesticides and limestone B1060
[ 100700 Managed deciduous forests (moved to SNAP97 code 111100) ]
[ 100800 Managed coniferous forests (moved to SNAP97 code 111200) ]
100900 Manure management regarding nitrogen compounds B1090