Content list Group 9 Waste treatment and disposal
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090200 Waste incineration
090201 Incineration of domestic or municipal wastes B921
090202 Incineration of industrial wastes (except flaring) B922
090203 Flaring in oil refinery B923
090204 Flaring in chemical industries B924
090205 Incineration of sludges from waste water treatment B925
090206 Flaring in gas and oil extraction B926
090207 Incineration of hospital wastes B927
090208 Incineration of waste oil B924
090400 Solid waste disposal on land (SNAP94 code 091004) B940
090400 Solid waste disposal on land
090401 Managed waste disposal on land B940
090402 Unmanaged waste disposal on land B940
090403 Other B940
090700 Open burning of agricultural wastes (except 100300) B970
090900 Cremation
090901 Incineration of corpses B991
090902 Incineration of carcasses B992
091000 Other waste treatment
091001 Waste water treatment in industry B9101
091002 Waste water treatment in residential/commercial sect. B9101
091003 Sludge spreading B9103
[ 091004 Land filling (moved to SNAP97 code 090400) ]
091005 Compost production B9105
091006 Biogas production B9106
091007 Latrines B9107
091008 Other production of fuel (refuse derived fuel) B9106