Content list Group 6 Solvent and other product use
Access to chapters
060000 Solvent and other product use (introduction) B600
06000a Solvent and other product use (note) B600a
060100 Paint application
060101 Manufacture of automobiles B610
060102 Car repairing B610
060103 Construction and buildings (except 060107) B610
060104 Domestic use (except 060107) B610
060105 Coil coating B610
060106 Boat building B610
060107 Wood B610
060108 Other industrial paint application B610
060109 Other non industrial paint application B610
060200 Degreasing, dry cleaning and electronics
060201 Metal degreasing B621
060202 Dry cleaning B622
060203 Electronic components manufacturing B623
060204 Other industrial cleaning B623
060300 Chemicals products manufacturing or processing
060301 Polyester processing B631
060302 Polyvinylchloride processing B631
060303 Polyurethane foam processing B633
060304 Polystyrene foam processing B633
060305 Rubber processing B631
060306 Pharmaceutical products manufacturing B631
060307 Paints manufacturing B631
060308 Inks manufacturing B631
060309 Glues manufacturing B631
060310 Asphalt blowing B6310
060311 Adhesive, magnetic tapes, films & photographs manufacturing B631
060312 Textile finishing B631
060313 Leather tanning B631
060314 Other B631
060400 Other use of solvents and related activities
060401 Glass wool enduction B641
060402 Mineral wool enduction B641
060403 Printing industry B643
060404 Fat, edible and not edible oil extraction B644
060405 Application of glues and adhesives B641
060406 Preservation of wood B646
060407 Underseal treatment and conservation of vehicles B647
060408 Domestic solvent use (other than paint application) B648
060409 Vehicles dewaxing B647
060411 Domestic use of pharmaceutical products B641
060412 Other (preservation of seeds,....) B641
060500 Use of HFC, N 20 , NH 3 , PFC and SF 6
060501 Anaesthesia B651
060502 Refrigeration and air condition quipments using halocarbons B651
060503 Refrigeration and air condition quipments using other products than halocarbons B651
060504 Foam blowing (except 060304) B651
060505 Fire extinguishers B651
060506 Aerosol cans B651
060507 Electrical equipments (except 060203) B651
050508 Other B651