Content list Group 5 Extraction & distribution of fossil fuels and geothermal energy
Access to chapters
050100 Extraction and 1st treatment of solid fossil fuels
050101 Open cast mining B511
050102 Underground mining B511
050103 Storage of solid fuel B511
050200 Extraction, 1st treatment and loading of liquid fossil fuels
050201 Land-based activities B521
050202 Off-shore activities B521
050300 Extraction, 1st treatment and loading of gaseous fossil fuels
050301 Land-based desulfuration B521
050302 Land-based activities (other than desulfuration) B521
050303 Off-shore activities B521
050400 Liquid fuel distribution (except gasoline distribution)
050401 Marine terminals (tankers, handling and storage) B541
050402 Other handling and storage (including pipeline) B541
050500 Gasoline distribution
050501 Refinery dispatch station B551
050502 Transport and depots (except 050503) B551
050503 Service stations (including refuelling of cars) B551
050600 Gas distribution networks
050601 Pipelines B561
050603 Distribution networks B561
050700 Geothermal energy extraction B570