Content list Group 2 Non-industrial combustion plants
Access to chapters
020100 Commercial and institutional plants
020101 Combustion plants > = 300 MW (boilers) B111
020102 Combustion plants > = 50 MW and < 300 MW (boilers) B111/2
020103 Combustion plants < 50 MW (boilers) B111/2
020104 Stationary gas turbines B111/2
020105 Stationary engines B111/2
020106 Other stationary equipments B216
020200 Residential plants
020201 Combustion plants > = 50 MW (boilers) B111/2
020202 Combustion plants < 50 MW (boilers) B111/2
020203 Gas turbines B111/2
020204 Stationary engines B111/2
020205 Other equipments (stoves, fireplaces, cooking,....) B225
020300 Plants in agriculture, forestry and aquaculture
020301 Combustion plants > = 50 MW (boilers) B111/2
020302 Combustion plants < 50 MW (boilers) B111/2
020303 Stationary gas turbines B111/2
020304 Stationary engines B111/2
020305 Other stationary equipments B235