Coastal Zone Threats and Management - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 35)

35.1 - Introduction35.2 - Definition of the coastal zone35.2.1 - The variable coast35.3 - Coastal zone processes35.4 - The problems: causes and consequences35.4.1 - Physical modifications and habitat loss35.4.1.1 - Coastal erosion35.4.1.2 - Habitat loss and degradation35.4.2 - Contamination and coastal pollution35.4.2.1 - Type and origins of contaminants35.4.2.2 - Catchment management35.4.2.3 - Wastewater disposal35.4.2.4 - The fate and impact of nutrients35.4.2.5 - Environmental impact of other contaminants35.4.2.6 - Litter35.5 - Goals and strategies for coastal zone management35.6 - Conclusions