Forest Degradation - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 34)

34.1 - Introduction34.2 - Damage attributed to atmospheric pollution34.2.1 - Historical background34.2.2 - The problem34.2.3 - Launching of national and transnational surveys34.2.4 - Data analysis34.2.4.1 - Species34.2.4.2 - Climatic regions34.2.4.3 - Trends over time34.2.5 - Causes34.2.6 - Economic effects34.2.7 - Options34.2.8 - Conclusions34.3 - Damage due to fire34.3.1 - Introduction34.3.2 - The problem34.3.3 - The facts34.3.4 - The causes34.3.4.1 - Natural causes34.3.4.2 - Accidents, negligence and arson34.3.4.3 - Management practices34.3.5 - Consequences of fire on the environment34.3.6 - Economic costs34.3.7 - Strategies for prevention and fighting fires34.3.7.1 - Fire prevention34.3.7.2 - Fire watch34.3.7.3 - Fire control34.3.7.4 - Fire as a management tool34.3.8 - Conclusions